Thursday, April 30, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #3

Wow three days of Level 3 already, the past couple of days have flown by, thankfully.  I was beginning to think that all the clocks had permanently stopped working, but happily this was not the case.  Was so good having a reason to wake up and get up on Tuesday, I hadn’t realised how much I missed that.  And going into work, wow, just so good, and knowing I could stay there all day was awesome.  Ken and I both had massive grins on our faces when I walked in lol.  I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t have enough work to do as I was only doing half days at home and was keeping up, but it’s amazing the small things you can do at the studios that fill in a day.  Mostly recording and editing shows, and I’m not even mad at Ken for giving me all the ick or challenging to edit people, not yet anyhow, am just glad to be back and chatting with people.  Have also done some shows for NZ Music Month as that starts tomorrow.  We have a pretty good deal going where Ken aka Big Daddy is gonna do shows that feature the older kiwi music and me aka Everybody Loves Jill is doing shows with the more recent (mainly past 20 years) kiwi music.  Suits us both very well which is great.  You may wonder why I am called Everybody Loves Jill, well when looking for my theme tune the only song I could find that wasn’t Jack and Jill was called Everybody Loves Jill and yeah, it just went from there and now I am known as Everybody Loves Jill when I am doing a music themed show lol.  It totally doesn’t hurt that I think everyone should love me anyhow so it plays well into my personality as well lol.  I also made the kids show for Saturday, if you want to have a laugh either tune in at 8am on Saturday or look up Kidnappers Kidz on our website after 9am on Saturday and you will hear me as Penelope the Pixie, high squeaky voice and all.  It’s a bit of a laugh and lots of fun hehe.

Today I learnt something very very impt, apparently if you have more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day this affects (lowers) your immune system.  This is super impt as I always figured any alcohol would not be good for it, or at the very least it would be 2 per week, the 2 per day feels rather generous.  But since a nutritionist told me I think it must be valid and true.  Also do you know how many attempts at spelling it took to get spell check to realise I was trying to spell nutritionist???? So many, so so many.  Spell check is only good if you can vaguely spell a word to start which is sometimes so annoying, it should just know!  Anyhow, back on topic, doing that show over the phone was quite funny cos Heather couldn’t see me pulling faces when she was listing the vegetables we should be eating at the moment, yet she still knew I was pulling faces, cos I always do lol.  

So my week so far, Tuesday went into work.  Was really good.  And I figured out a fix to the computer issues my computer was having which was so good.  It was getting rather frustrating and if I had been at work and able to try things here and there I prob would have fixed it a week or so ago.  Tuesday evening I didn’t really do anything.  Wednesday, work again, yay.  Left early to go for a decent run.  Now that it is getting darker earlier I need to leave work a bit earlier to get in a longer run as the street lights aren’t that great around my area and as I don’t have company while running I just feel more comfortable being home when it gets dark.  The chances that anything bad would happen are slim, but they are even slimmer if you don’t take the risk hehe.  Today Ken and I both thought it was Friday, and we both were mega procrastinators, not that we had anything bad to avoid we just didn’t feel like being there.  Tomorrow should be interesting…. Tonight I plan to just chill, I have already had dessert, may have dinner later, or more dessert, the options are totally open hehe.

Glenny is enjoying not being an assistant anymore.  He says he is much more suited to ‘guarding’ my place than assisting me work.  And to be fair he aint that great at assisting so it wouldn’t be hard to be better at guarding lol.  I think he just likes doing his own thing and chilling out while I am at work, earning the money that lets us stay living here.  But hey I can’t really complain cos my stuff is always safe when I get home, maybe not where I left it but it’s still here so I can’t claim that he aint doing his job.

I have also started a quiz for my 35th birthday, as my gift to you all :) Yes I may have been bored the other night and was looking for something to do, turns out this was it hehe.  If you would like to see a specific kind of question topic included just let me know and I will see what I can do :) It will be released on my birthday so you do need to be patient, however there is also plenty of time for you to do some study, 94 days to be exact hehe

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