Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown Day #16

Not much has happened in the last couple of days, feel like there is not much to update you all on or to say.  Pretty sure it was ystdy that I went into work, I needed some info from a folder that was there and going in was a much better option than getting Ken to drop it off to me hehe.  Was quite good fun, so good to see Ken, and he gives such a good welcome these days hehe.

Today I feel like I didn’t do much, I mean ok yes there was a lot of chilling involved but I also did do stuff inbtwn the chilling, just apparently not significant enough for me to really remember.  Did play with Lego for a while, and tried to read for a bit, did a few hours of work, tidied up a bit, went for a run, talked to Jo for ages, but yeah not really anything worth commenting on.  

Did dress up today, cos after all it is Easter and I wanted to make it more interesting than just another 4 days at home.  Hmmm maybe that is why I did a few hours work as well lol.  Today I was Cowboy Jill :)

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