Thursday, April 23, 2020

Lockdown Day #29

Only one more day of work under lockdown conditions, and believe me it’s one too many in my mind.  I went into work this morning and I really could have just stayed there and worked from there.  So did not seem fair that I had to go home again instead.  But tomorrow is the last day of working from home (fingers, toes, everything crossed) and come next week will be back in the office.  Not sure if will be working a normal week or less hours as there is less work, time will tell on that one.  Did have a bit of a laugh when I got home though.  Cos I was running home I left my phone at home, and when I got home turned out Ken had rung me half an hour after I had left work, but I obviously wasn’t home yet.  Poor Ken thought I meant I was running straight home, but that would have been less than 2km, instead I ran around Cornwall Park a couple times, then up to the Sports Park, went round that a couple times, then back to Frimley Park and around that one.  All up was 14km, woot woot.  Super proud of my effort, and the fact that when I finished I wasn’t puffing super hard, my legs were dead and the rest of my body was super tired, but it gives me hope that with a few more runs my muscles will build up good and I will be able to run a few extra km on top of that.  My average pace is the same as my old average pace as well so no complaints there.

My assistant was a big fat meanie ystdy, he stole my book and wouldn’t give it back till I had finished work.  I found this rather annoying cos there was a tad too much work to do and I wanted to read my book but he wouldn’t let me :( He also took over the couch so I had to work from the table.  I must admit I am looking forward to getting my table back when I take all my work stuff to work on Tuesday.  My assistant was much more useful today when I decided to have a short nap around afternoon tea time and he co-operated by blocking the sun and making it dark hehe.  Am a little bit surprised that I have made it to day 29 before having a nap, it was worth the wait though hehe.

Today felt like it should’ve been the wknd, even Samara agreed.  We don’t know why, and it’s not like it even really makes much difference at the moment but today definitely had a wknd feeling about it.  Not sure what I am up to this wknd, but am sure I will find something to occupy myself, or I will stare into space and time will slowly tick by.  But whatever I do I will get through the wknd and eventually I will make it to next week and level 3.  There are things I could do if I find some motivation, some things I want to do as well, but I am not convinced that there will be any motivation lying around waiting to be used.  Hopefully I am pleasantly surprised though.

I am really enjoying the autumn colours that are making their appearance in the parks and streets at the moment.  I often seem to speed through autumn and not really appreciate the colours that Mother Nature gives us, even though it is my favourite time of year.  I mean I see them, and I think oh wow, so pretty, but I don’t stop to walk slowly and just appreciate.  So ystdy that is what I did, I went for a walk to just look and appreciate and be thankful that we live in a country that has so many parks and open spaces even in the cities and big towns and that we get this prettiness every single year.  Some of the trees were super cool cos they were a patchwork of green, yellow and amber.  I tried to take photos but they just didn’t do it justice so after a while I just walked around taking mental photos.

On the awesome as news front, my favourite bookstore is open from next week, delivering books within Hastings, Napier and Havelock North. YAY!!! I mean, I don’t really need any more books, but I do love this bookstore and the staff are awesome, and yes they order books to my sometimes very specific specifications (has to be a certain height, and a particular cover lol), but that is what makes them so awesome I think.  Plus they are super friendly, and in normal circumstances Lou delivers me any books I order to my desk at work when she comes in for her weekly radio show.  It’s a awesome but dangerous relationship lol.

I know lockdown hasn’t ended yet, and I know it technically continues at level 3, I’m mean it’s basically still level 4 cept you can go to work if you work in an industry that can work at a distance from the public and other workmates, but still I thought I would list some of the positives of lockdown.  We all know the negative aspects of it without having to think to hard I think, but the positive things can be harder to focus on and realise, yet thinking positive can apparently do wonders for mood and motivation, plus I like looking on the bright-side so here we go:
-       Glenny never would have let me put him in a jar had we not been in lockdown, and that is one of my fav pics – still making me laugh lol
-       At the start of lockdown I was barely run/walking 3km, now I can run 14km
-       Doffy’s list has gone down
-       My list has gone down
-       My bdrm is super awesome (ok so me and bro painted it before lockdown but I have had plenty of time to appreciate our awesomeness during lockdown hehe)
-       I probably never would have realised my kitchen could be rearranged without lockdown
I know there has been more but they are not coming to mind right at the moment so they are not being included at this moment in time.

And just before I go, did you know that you can put a virtual poppy on a RSA headstone by going through the Auckland War Museum website.  I think it’s pretty cool, and here is a link if you have someone you would like to give a virtual poppy to :)

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