Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lockdown Day #13

Wow, officially two weeks tomorrow, which means I have been in lockdown for two weeks today.  It’s beginning to feel like normal life almost, I certainly have gotten into a routine with things and sometimes there is motivation and sometimes there is not.  And today there was a cough added to the mix.  Ken and I have decided it’s just cos it’s getting cooler and the air is not as warm.  It’s the best option out of all that it could be (the other options being he made me sick at work ystdy or that I caught something when I went grocery shopping on Sunday), so a cool air cough it is, and that is what it better turn out to be. 

I went into work ystdy which was nice, got a good welcome from Ken when I walked in too.  Haha I think he is missing the variety of people he normally gets to see.  But I don’t mind, a good welcome and someone being excited to see you is always nice.  Today back to working from home and there were quite a few calls btwn me and Ken, it was just one of those days I think.  Hopefully tomorrow is a bit quieter, though I may do some work later tonight so I have less to do tomorrow, what I will do with all that extra spare time who knows, maybe just chill with my bear, maybe do something constructive…. Only our good friend time will know hehe.

Talking about work, my assistant has forgotten everything he learnt last week, just slack these young people these days.  I decided ystdy that since I was going into the office later I wouldn’t bother re-teaching him anything, but today he refused to help at all which was not cool.  I spose on the bright side he didn’t sit there throwing stuff at me which was a bonus.  Maybe tomorrow he will have remembered stuff and be a bit more useful again.

We have decided on the four outfits I am going to wear over Easter to make it more special, and we decided on the order as well so we are doing well.  We discussed different options and came to the conclusion that alphabetical would be the more me way of doing things, cos if I draw them out of a hat I am likely to not want to wear the one I draw just cos.  Not that doing it alphabetically means I will be wearing stuff that is practical for what I want to do that day but that is a bridge to be crossed another day.

While doing the lawns ystdy I did think that sometimes it would be nice to have a place with less maintenance than this place has, then I laughed at myself cos to get less maintenance I would basically have to live in a unit block with no outside area.  I think it had something to do with doing the edges with the grass scissors while wearing a skirt and stockings (and steelcapped boots cos safety is impt (and they are cool)) so I was not sitting or kneeling on the ground which would have been easier.  Yes I do have an edger for those of you wondering but we do not get along so the scissors it is.  The lemon tree also broke the truce that we had so it better watch out if I get bored, I might take back my letting it win and attack it again.  

Aint really done much other than work and blob today, have an idea of stuff that I could do but just can’t really be bothered.  Maybe tomorrow.  Have been watching a new series that I recorded and I have to say, I lived a rather sheltered teenage life and I am glad.  Thanks mum and dad and everyone who helped with that.  Even my adult life is rather sheltered compared to many people that I know, but to be honest I don’t mind, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything and have never felt tempted to change things.  Sides what would my bear do without me hanging out with him, he might get bored and leave and then I really would be alone and that would be sad.  So sheltered all the way lol.

Hopefully tomorrow I wake up feeling a tad more motivated, or atlst that the motivation sticks around a bit longer.  It tends to be around till about lunch but that time is spent working which is not a bad use of the motivation but it does mean that nothing much extra is getting done around here and if I have to be stuck here I might as well have something to show for it.  Which is one of the reasons I’m contemplating doing some work tonight, means that I could finish earlier tomorrow and maybe get stuff done.  Or finish earlier and spend longer blobbing lol.

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