Monday, April 13, 2020

Lockdown Day #19

Well we made it through Easter, well done to all of us.  Not exactly the Easter I thought I would have at the start of the year, but then often this is the way as I like to change plans as things that appeal and ideas that sound cool grab my attention.  I won’t keep you in suspense about my awesome as outfit today, as I know you are all dying to know hehe.  Today I was Workman Jilly, wearing my fav boots (gorgeous steel capped boots that every sensible girl should have, and they aren’t even purple (mostly cos purple ones are nowhere near as cool as these ones)), and dad’s old overalls that are awesome and super comfy (and super painted and rather dirty).  And since I had the outfit on I decided I might as well prep and start painting my front door, just the inside side as I want it white not that weird green that is in the pic below.  And the wood bits around it (technical term that one lol) are also becoming white.  This was a job on my slaves list but hey I got bored and to do sewing I have to either clear the sewing desk or the table, neither of which is a fun job so painting it was.  And yes I still don’t like painting, but I do like the result so I will tolerate it for now.  Still got a coat or two to do and I’m sure I will find time to do them during the week.

Did some work work as well, yeah I know it’s the wknd but whatever, I was bored and I had a report to NZ On Air to be written so I worked on that for an hour or so.  The report is one that I have to do every quarter and there are bits that I could do each month that would probably make it easier but I never remember too and so at the end of the quarter I have 3 months’ worth to do.  Atlst the most time-consuming part I remember to do at the end of each month, otherwise it would prob take about a day to do the whole thing.

It has been super windy today, I have even yelled at the wind a few times to ‘calm the farm’ cos it was going a bit nuts.  Have not ventured outside much today because I am pretty certain that I will get blown away and if I am going to break lockdown rules it will be for something more fun than being blown away by the wind.  I was going to go for a run, that was the plan when I woke up anyhow, but btwn the wind and the painting of the front door I decided against it.  Sides there is always tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day…… lol

My super helpful bear is currently looking after my lollies and handing me one on a regular interval :) best bear ever!  Yes I know it’s dinner in an hour or so, but considering I think it should be more like 8pm right now and that the clocks have stopped, eating lollies makes perfect sense to me.  Plus it keeps the bear busy and a busy bear is much better for my health than a bored bear, just saying.

Not sure what I am going to do this evening, I don’t really feel like doing anything.  I can’t be bothered reading, don’t feel like crafting or colouring, don’t feel like watching anything cos everything I own seems blah… so yeah, no idea what I am going to do this evening, but I am guessing if the afternoon has been on a mega go slow then it is likely that the evening will be on one as well.  And we still have atlst 10 days to go, oh yeah those 10 days are going to be fun.  May have to leave a job or two for Dof so that he comes to visit and then he can entertain me in the evenings, and cook cos I’m bored of that too (aka he can boil the jug for either camping meals or noodles, we live the high life when he is here lol).

The one good thing that has come out of the lockdown so far is that I have perfected how I like my cup of tea.  Now this may sound weird seeing as I have been drinking tea for years, however I used to have milk in my tea but it has slowly been getting less and less (cheers body for not being able to handle dairy very well, just so kind of you), and earlier this year I was finding even a small amount in my tea was making me want to puke.  So the milk had to go.  Now came the challenge of figuring out how I liked black tea, I tried it with sugar and with honey, both were definitely no’s.  Turns out I like it just plain black, there is just a very specific time that it needs to sit for, too little and it’s not as good but is still drinkable, too long and it’s just gross and not drinkable.  So yeah, being stuck at home with time on my hands has atslt resulted in me figuring out how I like black tea lol.

Hope you all enjoy your short week :) I think I might do some work from home, prob go see Ken at some stage to make sure he’s all ok (lol), maybe go for a run or two, and prob be bored for quite a few of the hours…

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