Friday, April 17, 2020

Lockdown Day #23

Well not really a lot to report today but that doesn’t mean I am not going to type a whole bunch of waffle on the off chance you read it cos you also don’t have much else better to do hehe.

I procrastinated a whole bunch this morning, successfully made it to around 1:30pm before I got round to opening my laptop with work in mind, though about half an hour of the procrastination was talking with a couple of my fav broadcasters so not sure if that is really procrastination, cos it could kinda count as work… kinda.  In the chatting with Norma I realised that Glenny and even Fishy and Big Ted have ages left of life in them.  Norma’s teddy bear is 80 years old, and he is currently sitting in her window, and although she didn’t say it was punishment I think maybe her bear got into her gin and is actually being punished but in a subtle way.  Both Norma and Johnnie are good, which is awesome.  Kinda funny the two opinions on the lockdown though, Johnnie thinks it’s cool that their groceries and pharmacy stuff is getting delivered to them, whereas Norma is annoyed cos when she went to go to the supermarket she was told she wasn’t allowed in because she is over 70 and that she has to find someone to go grocery shopping for her or she has to order online.  Sadly for Norma when lockdown eases she is likely to still not able to freely go out as she used to.

Work was work, was not in the mood at all today and the computer seemed to be extra slow and extra small and just plain irritating all round.  Bring on level 3 and being allowed back into the studios on a daily basis.  

Also went for a run, it was not the best run but atlst I got out there, or that is what I am telling myself.  My legs were not really in the mood to run and they kept slowing to a walk, and then my chest would be happy cos it could catch its breath and although my legs and chest are a fair chunk of me I didn’t think this was very polite or nice of them cos I wanted to be out running.  I also passed a police check point and me being friendly me I waved, said hello then checked that it was ok I kept running in the direction I was going.  Turns out they were just stopping cars and checking that they weren’t just out driving (that’s a no-no if you didn’t know).  I was told that I looked like I was enjoying my run and that I could run as far as I liked.  Nice that I looked like I was having fun cos it didn’t feel like I was, and awesome that I can run as far as I liked.  Did ponder on the rest of the run how long that would last as a defense if I get bored and lonely enough to try running to Rotorua… I figured probably not very long :( lol.

I also pondered the fact that apparently in level 3 you are not allowed to try a sporting activity you haven’t already done but you are allowed to do one you have done in the past (I say apparently cos I haven’t actually checked it, just seen it written and discussed a few times).  I was pondering this as if the reason is that if you have done it before you are less likely to get injured then this is a bit of a wrong assumption as I’ve tried over 20 sporting activities and have been injured in over 60% of them, and in one of them I may have injured someone else, let’s just say pilates is not for me lol.  But then maybe I am just uniquely talented like I am in so many areas of my life lol :)

It is the wknd tomorrow, did you know that???  Lol.  I am planning to not do any work work, but we will see how that goes.  If I do do work it’ll just be stuff that I want to do, not stuff that I need to do which I feel is different and not so bad.  Do have a couple good books to read though and one is the start of a series so I may not feel the need to do much work hehe.

Oh and my lawns need mowing if anyone is interested in coming to do them.  I promise to stay 2m away so I won’t pop your bubble.  Oh and if you could bring some petrol for Vee (my lawnmower) this would also be appreciated.  It’s not that I can’t afford the petrol or anything, it’s that it seems so stupid to drive to the petrol station which is so close just to fill up Vee’s petrol container, but it is also too heavy when its full to not drive.  Normally I tie getting her petrol in with a longer drive, like to Napier, but since that is out at the moment I would have to drive just for her.  Spose Cleo could be topped up at the same time but still seems like a bit of a waste of a drive.  Am sure I will get annoyed at the lawns sooner or later and make the trip though…

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