Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lockdown Day #8

Went into work this morning, was so good to speak to a human being face to face, so so good.  Is nice to know that I have a someone to meet up with, even if it’s just once a week its better than nothing.  Plus he likes my haircut, he thinks it looks awesome.  I mean I thought it looked awesome but is nice to have another person’s opinion, which was not biased at all.  Who needs hairdressers after all lol.

Not that it matters to you folks, but in my down time (otherwise known as boredom) I have been finding awesome shows that our sister stations are producing and am chucking them on our station.  Is an awesome sharing network we have going on which I love.  And there are so many great shows out there being made that it would be rude to not play them for our listeners.  Am also finding some great shows we have done over the years and am resurrecting them from the archives to give them another airing.  There is a great series called Aviation Heritage that I have resurrected, perfect timing with ANZAC coming up I think, and it’s a well done show so win-win for me :) 

When I got home from work today and checked my mailbox I had mail, and it wasn’t just boring bill type mail, it was proper mail.  I did a happy dance at the letterbox, obviously lol, and made my neighbours laugh which strangely made me even happier.  It wasn’t super amazing mail, and I knew what was in it cos had spoken to Dof and he had told me already, and the letter was sent like forever ago, but still mail is mail :)

In the assistant update, today he progressed to looking after my phone and my book of super impt stuff and he did a super awesome job at it.  He didn’t drop anything and he didn’t hand me the wrong thing at any stage so I think he is progressing nicely to be allowed to learn some computer stuff next week.  He seems to think he gets tomorrow off which I don’t understand, I didn’t get Friday’s off when I was learning a job, any job that I have learnt.  I offered that we could knock off early but he seems to think no work is better than knocking off early, which I guess is actually true but so not the point.  He will be in for a shock tomorrow when I make him get up and help me hehe.

Cleo and I played a game today.  It was to make phrases out of our first names.  The rules were simple: we had to use every letter, the phrases didn’t have to make sense, and the words didn’t have to be spelt 100% correct so long as the other one knew what it was meant to say.  Glenny decided the game was stupid and didn’t want to play.  I think it was because he only has one name and was jealous of all the fun stuff we could come up with using our multiple first names (first names in this game are first and middle if you hadn’t realised).  It didn’t really matter though cos he helped from the sidelines.  Our favourites were:
For Cleo – Cool Zap Real Tenor, Ozone Pear Call Rot, and Top Zone Or Real Cal
For Me – Sillie Star Nab Lila Jean, Nail Sale Stab Jar Nil Lie, and A Snail Jelli Trail Beans
Feel free to play the game yourself and let me know what you get with your first names hehe.  Is actually quite fun, and uses up time which is not a bad thing these days.

I also think I might be a tad addicted to herbal tea, but I figure it’s not too bad cos its better than caffeine, well depending on who you listen to, and its tasty.  If you are wondering at the moment its peppermint tea if I want a hot drink, and tropical if I want a cold one :) both are super super yum.  And mum has this amazing ability at keeping me in stock with peppermint tea hehe, which means I have plenty to last me through lockdown which is cool. 

Have discovered that I am not a big fan of going to sleep at the moment.  I was talking it over with Ken today and I think it is because by the evening I have done a day alone, and I have survived and it’s all good, but once that light goes out and you fall asleep the next time will be the morning which means you have to survive a day alone, and what if that day is not like the previous, what if you don’t survive it quite as well as you did the others…. So the solution is to not turn out the light, and not go to sleep cos then you stay on the day that you did survive.  I have also discovered that nothing is a rush any more.  I was about an hour later to work than I was planning to be today but that is because what is the point in rushing, the quicker you do something the more time you have at the other end to fill in.  Also took me a decent enough chunk of extra time to walk home after work, I didn’t take a different route or anything, just altered my pace unconsciously to stretch it out.  

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