Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lockdown Day #25

I feel like I have had a rather unproductive wknd, there has been a lot of reading and some DVD watching, however when I stop and think about it I have done a bit so it wasn’t completely unproductive.

I did some painting in the bathroom which is another thing off my list (note, my list not my slaves list, yes there are two lists of jobs for around here, I am not that evil that they are all the slaves jobs lol).  It’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but just never got round to it.  I am happy now it’s done though, kinda wondering why didn’t do it sooner cos it wasn’t that hard, well other than trying to get the ladder in there and then up in there, a few interesting words expressed during that lol.  The only stuff left that I want to paint at this stage I can’t till lockdown is over, for one it’s because I need to get paint I don’t have for it, and the other it’s cos I need Doffy to look at putting a different door handle on it before I paint it.  If I don’t paint it first then he’ll have no hassles with the new door handle, if I do paint it he will have hassles and I will have to repaint bits of it anyhow so I figure it’s easier to not paint it at this stage :) hehe.

I also went and got some petrol for Vee and Cleo.  Cleo now seems to think that since she saved me heaps of money I should buy her a present with the leftover money that I normally would have spent on her.  I spent ages trying to explain to her that I couldn’t buy her a treat cos all the shops were shut, and she just kept saying that she deserves one cos not only did she save me money but I have been neglecting her and not taking her out for drives like I normally do.  Somehow I don’t think she understands the concept of lockdown, so I may need to buy her a pressie for being a patient girl when this is all done.

I mowed the lawns, now that I have petrol for Vee.  Probably could have left them cos they weren’t really all that long but it had been two weeks so I figured Vee was probably bored and she deserved to get out and do some work.  After mowing the lawns I went and had a ‘chat’ with the lemon tree.  The chat may have been me going to ‘talk’ to it with a pruning saw… I think I left the chat feeling happier than the lemon tree, though I was nicely restrained and didn’t go overboard at all so the lemon tree shouldn’t be too annoyed.  Plus it owed me one from when it broke the truce so we are now even again.

I went for a wander in the park and took my phone with me hoping to get some photos of the rabbits playing by/in the hollow tree that I have seen heaps recently.  Of course now that I had my phone with me the rabbits weren’t out having fun, couldn’t even see them chilling in the tree so it was bit disappointing.  Maybe next time when I go and I don’t have my phone they will be back.

I technically did work this wknd, but not on purpose and not really.  Had to help Ken with loading the weather from home ystdy as he was having a few issues, easy enough over the phone though I did have to log in to check one thing.  But for a not doing any work in the wknd wknd I think I did pretty good.  We had a short catch-up chat as well which was nice.  And I had a nice chat with Aunty Susan today, though I did decide she was evil after the call as she may end up making me spend money thanks to a couple of things we talked about and websites she recommended I check out.  So evil in the loving kind sense lol.

Have also been doing a bit of crocheting and depending on what happens tomorrow and if we stay in lockdown or if we move to level 3 depends on how much more I can do on one project.  I am going to need more wool for one of the projects, I did suspect this when I started but didn’t think I would end up doing much of it before getting bored.  Seems I aint bored yet, or is it that I am so bored that it no longer matters….?  It’s hard to tell some days.

Am going into work tomorrow, it was going to be to discuss what Jacinda says but that was when we assumed that her announcement was going to be at 1pm, like all her others have been, but now that it is at 4pm I am just going in to catch up with Ken and to enjoy another person’s company.  Am so super thankful that I am able to do this, I have no idea how I would be holding up if going in to work every few days for a little bit wasn’t an option.  I don’t actually have anything to do at work tomorrow, can do it all from home, so it is literally going in to see Ken.  Oh and to collect my present, Ken got me a surprise last week but my bag was so full of groceries and I couldn’t carry it home, but at work I have a 1kg bag of jellybeans waiting for me yum yum :) :) :)

My bear (he is not an assistant during the wknd cos there is no work being done) was a bit of a pain last night.  For some reason he decided that we couldn’t share his side of the bed like we normally do.  I have no idea what brought this on as normally he is all good with us sharing but nope not last night.  I also have a random scratch down my side which I would blame him for but I am not quite sure what part of him could scratch me… it’s a puzzler that one.  Also 3 bruises on one knee, 2 on the other, no idea who gave me those but pretty sure it’s not something I have done… another puzzler

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