Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lockdown Day #18

Can’t believe it’s day 18.  18 days of being stuck without the freedom of doing what we want, when we want.  No going to see family, no hanging with friends, no getting together with any of the clubs you may belong to, no going out for coffee or food, no hugs, no freedom.  I know that what we are doing is saving lives but still, it’s not exactly fun every day being told you can’t do what you want or see who you want, yet having to entertain yourself so you don’t get too bored or go too insane.

Today I really would have quite liked to have gone out for food, but assuming that this was a normal week, not Easter or lockdown or anything, I could not have gone to the place I wanted to go cos they are not open on Sunday’s.  But since this is not a normal week that point doesn’t really matter anyhow, and all a girl can do is dream.  And dream for what another 10 or so days, then hopefully I will be able to go out for dinner and not have to cook.  And ok, so I am mostly microwaving, or adding hot water, or just chucking some kumera in the oven but it’s still counts as cooking which is more than I want to do some days.  Plus cooking leads to dishes needing to be done, and the one thing I am running out of is dish washing liquid, and I don’t really want to face the supermarket again just for that.  So less dishes is preferred, and no cooking would be the ideal.  Prob a good thing I can’t really go online shopping at the moment, will need the extra money for all the not cooking I am going to do when lockdown is lifted lol.

I was lazy productive today :) What is lazy productive I hear you ask, well simple, it’s when you are productive but you don’t do anything requiring much physical effort.  I managed to watch a whole season of Doctor Doctor, ok so it’s only 10 episodes but still, totally nailed that.  Also I started the day with three crocheting projects on the go, and now I am down to two.  Yup I finished one, and it’s even sewed together, mostly, needs a couple of domes then it is all done.  Am pretty proud of that.  Normally I leave the sewing up for ages, and the darning in of threads for even longer.  For example finally properly finished a throw I made a year ago this morning, yup I darned the ends in finally lol.  I did also work on the other two projects I have on the go, but they are bigger than the one I finished today, well bigger and not as fun which meant I kinda focused on the other one a bit more.  But that’s how things get finished isn’t it so there is nothing wrong.  Ps this paragraph made me go past 10,000 words in this lockdown diary, I have written quite a lot really haven’t I :) I think it’s kinda cool, in a something kind of way lol, cannot think of the word I want in there so feel free to insert your own lol.

Glenny has been very useful today, and we didn’t even do any work work.  I know, shock horror right, no work for JB for a whole day.  Well it is Sunday, and Sunday is the day of rest, and being Easter Sunday that means extra rest… right… lol.  Anyhow back onto how helpful my bear was today, he looked after many things for me throughout the day, my phone, scissors, dvd remote, needle needles, crochet needles, (I was alternating between two different ones), and sometimes he held up to three of these things at a time.  What a talented helpful boy I have hehe.

Today my outfit was Punk Rocker Jilly.  Bit harder to pull this one off with no make-up or nail polish, but since I no longer own either I made do.  And because I am me and I like to be comfortable I slowly exchanged parts of the outfit with items more suitable to lounging around, so am currently still in the stockings and t-shirt, but have on some short running shorts (that I never wear running lol), ex dads leg warmers, bedsocks and a ex dad hoodie, so super comfy clothing hehe.  And Glenny is still looking after my phone for me so he is still going strong :)  

Hint for my tomorrow outfit: I am going to be wearing my favourite pair of boots, and what is possibly my favourite item of clothing, I say possibly as sometimes I am in a mood where something else is more favourite but in general what I am wearing tomorrow is my favourite.  I know, super vague and not helpful but thought I'd give you a hint in case any of you want to guess what I am going to be.  Another not helpful hint is that the item of clothing I love used to be dads lol cos that barely narrows it down :p 

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