Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Lockdown Day #7

The last two days (Monday and Tuesday) were basically write-offs for me.  I was hit by a decent head cold, no worry about it being coronavirus as it was all my head, I am pretty sure if I was to have chopped off my head my body would have been perfect, well except for the oxygen… guess I would have had to figure out another way to get that… and to talk… not talking would kinda suck, guess it’s a good thing I kept my head on.  Normally I probably would have gone into work and tried to work for a morning and then bailed on home and repeat, but as I was all set up at home to work (and kinda stuck here anyhow) I just did what I could then napped, then if felt like it did some more work before another nap.  So overall Monday and Tuesday were just big giant naps with little bits of work and consciousness jumbled in.  Was starting to feel human again ystdy evening which was nice and then today has been a good day.  No naps needed and even got outside for a decent walk, not really far distance-away-from-home-wise, just went up to Frimley Park and wandered round there a couple of times while chatting with mum and dad which was nice.  I am pretty sure that if I was trying to work and get better I would still be sick, and that it was purely down to the fact that I let myself sleep whenever I felt like I needed it that got me better so quick.  Now the real test is will I remember this when I get a cold and things are back to normal…. I’m thinking not but hoping I will.

I realised, while sorting out my toast for dinner tonight, that when the government said to just buy groceries like normal they should have been more specific and warned people to look at what they are going to be running out of within the next week or so.  Turns out I am not only out of jam and honey, I am also out of peanut butter.  I only have vegemite (gluten free of course) to have on my toast now :( I may need to go to the supermarket sooner than planned.  Did get some yummies dropped off ystdy though, total surprise which made it all the more awesome.  I was actually awake, which was good, and reading on my beanbag in the sun and I saw a car pull up across the road that looked like Ken’s car.  Out comes Ken with two bags of chips for me :D being the good people that we are I stayed by my front door while Ken left them on my letterbox, when he walked back to the car I went and grabbed them.  Was kind of him to think of me needing a treat when he was at the supermarket, and he knows that chips are my total weakness lol.  Dunno how I lucked out to get such a good boss esp at this time with what’s happening in the world but I am mega glad and thankful that I do. 

I also realised today that I may not be as realistic as I should be, I have put the lockdown days in my diary, up to day 20…. Whether I am being optimistic or deluded I am not sure, possibly a bit of both.  I also thought I was doing real well until someone reminded me that we are only at day 7, and that there are still atlst 3 weeks to go :( I keep thinking its only round the corner, just a couple more days, till I can see my friends and family again.  That would be nice wouldn’t it, hanging with other humans, getting a hug…. Oh the dreams I dream lol.  Super glad I grabbed hugs off Brudda when he visited just before we weren’t allowed to see or be near other people.

Luckily, now that I am better, I get to go to work tomorrow – woot woot :) Not for a whole day but then I don’t really have a whole day worth of work to do so I will just go in in the morning after doing some work stuff here, chill with Ken for a bit, do the invoicing and then I have an excuse to go back in when the statements are ready as I will have to send out the invoices and statements.  For once loving the start of the month lol.  My assistant (Glenny of course, no window sitting for him, he is working hard, or hardly working… one of the two) is getting quite good.  I started him off small, holding pens, looking after bits of paper etc, and he’s doing so well at all that I think I may start teaching him to type.  I expect him to pick it up quite quick cos he’s mastered the other tasks super well and super fast.  Guess we will find out when I get round to letting him help.  Maybe not with accounts though as I think he may be a tad unconcerned with ensuring the amount is correct… prob not the best thing to start him on.  Plus he will be staying to guard my place while I go to work, I tell you this assistant is mega talented.  About the only thing he never seems able to help with is paying the bills….. lol.  Let’s hope he can keep me as sane as I normally am when the lack of human contact starts to get to me… either that or maybe he can help me build a fort to hide in….

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