Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lockdown Day #14

Today was a good day, just wanted to start by saying that.  And I would say it was a good day based on normal day standards not just lockdown standards.  Dunno why, not like anything spectacular happened or anything, but it was just a good day.

Started with me reading my book while I decided if I wanted to start the day doing work or not, I figured while deciding it would be stupid to do nothing so read it was.  Then I did a bit of work, admittedly nowhere near a proper days work but I plan to work some over Easter so I figure its ok.  Also I did a fair chunk of what I wanted to do today last night so it wasn’t like I had heaps and heaps to do.  After doing some work I read some more.  Hehe can you guess what my day revolved around :) 

I then emptied out and cleaned the pantry, man I have a lot of stuff in there, not as much in there now cos some of the stuff I threw out instead of putting back.  Then I rearranged the kitchen, and I just want to say to all you male relatives out there I am annoyed at you, almost mad I would say but not quite that far, just a little bit shy of it.  Why am I annoyed with you I hear you asking, simple, none of you warned me how heavy a fridge is and how hard it would be to move it off its previous concrete home and onto carpet.  I mean sure dad gets most the blame cos he should know that at some stage my brain would go ‘hey, let’s rearrange the kitchen, wouldn’t the fridge be cool there and the pantry there, come on, it’ll totally work’, and therefore he really should have warned me.  But the rest of you have known me long to know that I might do something like this and that I should be warned so you all get a bit of the blame.  Bro gets the full blame for the pantry, I do not remember it being so heavy or tall when we got it and moved it in, man was that a mission to move without it falling over.  So yeah kitchen is now rearranged, and when I put the pantry stuff back in I rearranged that as well.  Not sure if things are better now than they were but it’s different which will keep me happy for a while.  And a side effect of the rearranging is that a job on dads list (which to be honest I’m not sure he was ever going to do, I feel like he didn’t think it was as impt as I did) now no longer needs to be done, so I’m saving him work.  Aint I such a nice daughter hehe.  Oh and I read inbtwn the emptying and cleaning the pantry, and the rearranging stuff, and the resorting the pantry.

After some more reading I then went for a run and it drizzled on the run so that was awesome.  I do love running in the rain, a bit more than we got today would have been nice but too little is better than too much so I’m not going to complain too loudly.  

Then I read some more, haha shock horror I know, but if I didn’t read so much I wouldn't be almost finished the book I started last night, so see it was a super productive thing to be doing.  I also made one of my favourite meals – fries, covered in coleslaw, then coated with garlic aioli.  It is very specific for me to love it not just like it though, it needs to be served in a bowl, with the salt added btwn the fries and the coleslaw, and just the right amount of garlic aioli on top.  Super yum yum yum.  

In the assistant update, he looked after my phone today which was nice.  I do need it kinda near so I can hotspot and then log in for work, and sometimes he does a good job at looking after my stuff like the phone, other times not so much.  Today he was in fine form, and he didn’t even msg anyone on behalf of me, that I am aware of, which is always a good thing.  He did say he is not working Easter though, and that I can’t make him cos working public holidays is not in his contract.  In all fairness I’m pretty sure he has signed no contract so I actually can’t make him do anything, but then in saying that he also pays no rent so he kinda owes me.

Now, I am either going to read some more or do some work, not sure yet but maybe a bit of both, work first then read till bedtime.  I want to get our monthly newsletter sent out tomorrow and if I work on it tonight then Ken has a chance to read the ‘test’ copy and add anything he wants to add to it before the long wknd which would be awesome.

Anyhow, hope you are having a good week and that lockdown is not getting to you too much.  I would offer to send a bear to you to keep you company but we all know I need mine to keep me sane and all the others have to stay as well so someone is witness and can tell the story when I do finally lose the plot lol.  Hopefully you have a bear of your own, and if it is sitting in the window I hope you are checking on it to make sure it isn’t bored or lonely.  My neighbours made me laugh today, they had a large toy gorilla hanging from their shade cloth watching everything that was going on.  And I was pleased to see they took it inside when it started raining, they obviously know that stuffed toys are not just stuffed toys…. Yes sir, that was a dig at you :p

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