Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lockdown Day #11

Well ystdy was just blah, very very blah, and also very never-ending.  There was a point where I thought all my clocks had stopped.  It didn’t seem to matter whether I was sitting there doing nothing or if I was busy being productive, time just was crawling by.  Thankfully today was much better, I think the sun being out helped.  It’s crazy how a blah day weather-wise can also affect your mood.  The sun just somehow makes the day better, and makes you more motivated to do something, well I find it does anyhow.

Glenny and I found the Lego today, we have had lots of fun with it.  At this stage we have decided to just build the construction dudes, for those of you new to the JB Lego World the construction dudes are the baddies.  This is because in all the Lego City I have got I have only got one criminal, yet there are many many police people and they would get bored and restless if we didn’t give them something to do.  But since there is not a lot going on at the moment we think that having only construction dudes for a while could be entertaining.  Also, don’t think that we think real life construction workers are baddies, it’s just that it was btwn the fireman, the hospital people and the construction dudes, so not really a contest there is there?

I also went for a run, pretty stoked as it was the first time since starting running again that I did more than 5km without stopping.  I had forgotten the magical ingredient in the other runs (either that or I have magically gotten fitter after being sick and not running for a week… go figure), the magical ingredient being my iPod.  Still just ran around Frimley Park, I know not everyone is doing the stay in just your neighbourhood unless you are going grocery shopping or to work thing but I feel like it is a stupid idea to go further afield if you don’t need to.  But that may just be me with a sketchy immune system on my mind.  Frimley Park is about, I think, 2.3km if you run around the outskirts which is what I normally do but then I get bored, so today I zigzagged my way up and down then went around some of the outside.  Basically ran till my cd ended then headed to my finish line, then died lol.  Am pretty stoked with my effort though.  Am also pretty glad I am back running, it is something I love, even if it’s not a good run it still tends to make me happy while I am running.

Did some baking as well today.  Yum yum.  Been meaning to for a few days now, but the cookies I wanted to make require the mixture to be refrigerated for 4-6 hours (or ideally overnight) before baking the cookies, which I normally remember about too late and then I decide to do it the next day, which I again forget about so then decide that the next day will be the day.  It also doesn’t help that there is always a tomorrow at the moment.  Also made some weet-bix slice, if Ken is lucky I will take him some tomorrow, if he isn’t then it’s all mine to munch on cos it’s not like anyone is going to be visiting any time soon lol.

Am currently watching virtual Indycar which is a weird experience.  It’s like watching me and bro race but with no going off the track and no one constantly spinning while trying to get back onto the track, or taking out someone lapping them on their re-entry, and no one is missing any body work.  Not sure if they know what they are doing if they aren’t leaving the track and leaving bits of their vehicles all around the track lol.

Am going into work tomorrow for an hour or so which will be good.  There is a broadcaster that it is easier if I record with and that gives me an excuse to go in which I am taking.  Is still weird doing our recordings by ringing the broadcasters and then hitting record and we edit the extra stuff in afterwards but it is great that so many broadcasters are willing to do it this way as it means we are playing new shows for many of the shows, not just old repeats.  Of course for some there are repeats but we are doing what we can and the best bonus is that it is keeping Ken busy, and while I can handle chilling at home inbtwn work when there is not much to do, Ken is not someone who can handle doing not much or being bored.  I do feel sorry for him being stuck at home in the wknds but atlst for him he has work to go to everyday to keep busy.

I finished my book today, am kinda sad about that as it was a really good book.  You know the kind, where you are torn btwn reading it really fast and reading it really slow.  Fast cos you just really want to know what happens, and slow cos you don’t want to leave the amazing world and characters the author has created.  This book was like that.  It was Winter of Fire by Sherryl Jordan, and it was just amazing.  It is a young adult book and the edition that I read was a 25th anniversary edition and all I could think each time I put it down was ‘where was this book when I was a teenager’.  Of course it was around, I am not that old, but for some reason it was not on my radar.  Teenage me really would have loved it, I mean grown up me loved it so of course teenage me would have as well but you know when you read something that you know a younger you could have benefited from, well this was like that.  The plot was very typical for a fantasy book, there was oppression, someone who stood out from the crowd and then a mission for that person, and along the way to complete the mission there were trials and tests and then an adversary to fight and overcome, and not to give away the ending but a victory (as you know there will be because the heroine is not the star of the story, and telling the story in a reminiscing way, if she loses).  And now I have that awesome book ending and nothing can come close to it so what on earth can I read now and not be disappointed by feeling, which is also why I haven’t read anything since finishing the book before lunchtime lol.  Not sure what I will follow that book by, it’s one of those do I read one I know I love or read something new and hope it is awesome dilemmas.  And as much as I hate these dilemmas I also love them cos it means you have just finished something amazing and that doesn’t really happen all that often.

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