Saturday, April 25, 2020

Lockdown Day #31

Happy ANZAC Day.  And happy start of bday countdown for me, 99 days to go :) I may not have a public holiday for my birthday yet, but the start of the countdown is a day off work so I know the universe knows its impt hehe.  I didn’t get up early this morning, I thought about it last night and decided that I would sleep in instead.  Ken got up early though and him and Neen stood by their letterbox, Ken said someone on the street started playing the bagpipes and then someone else joined in on the bugle which I think is pretty cool.  Can also say my neighbours are not the sorts of people that would do that so I didn’t miss anything lol.

Today’s post was going to be a bit of rant post as I was angry at the world earlier today, however I went for a run and about half way along decided that I needed to leave all my anger on the sportsfield and that it would be better for me to turn the negative thoughts into positive thoughts.  I must admit I had Carol Reid in my mind while doing this.  Carol does a show at work all about the power of positive thinking and how we think so many thoughts every day, many of them the same as the day before, and the day before etc, and that often the thoughts are negative as that is easier for some reason.  But the more you think negative the more you believe it and feel it.  To make things seem better all you need to do is change your thoughts to something positive.  An example she gives that I really like is instead of thinking ‘I am tired’ think ‘I am recharging’. With the first one at the end of the day you will still be tired, and probably worn out and unhappy, but with thinking you are recharging at the end of the day you will feel recharged and you won’t feel bad for not having done something as you needed to recharge.  So instead of thinking negative thoughts, I made myself change my thinking in the second half of the run, so now instead of being in a lonely bubble of one, I am in a loved bubble of one.  Instead of being angry that I can’t see my friends and family, I am happy that they are all safe and well.  You get the idea.  Yes you can call me new-agey or whatever you like, but if I had the money I would go on one of Carol’s courses as I think they would actually be very beneficial.  My head likes the negative a bit too much sometimes, it’s an effort to get the positive in there but hopefully some of it sticks for a while this time.

Glenny and I did our remembering and thanking those who fought for our freedom at morning tea this morning.  We concluded that while this is probably not the freedom they envisioned they were fighting for, we are still free, the majority of us have chosen to listen to the government and stay in our bubbles and respect others as that is the sort of people we are.  And atlst this sort of being told what to do is not a full time every day thing like it is in some countries.  It is sad though that there are still people fighting wars around the world.  I doubt there will ever not be a war or fight of some kind but it’s a nice thought to think that maybe there won’t be one day.

Other than that we aint done much today.  We caught up on recorded tv, we avoided doing anything much.  Oh I did make pancakes for lunch and I think I can now claim to be a pro, twice in a row without setting off a smoke alarm makes you a pro right…? Lol.  Oh did some crocheting as well today, and I finally managed to clean my bathroom.  I can safely say that a lack of time is definitely not why I don’t have a super clean place.  Also tidied up my spare room ystdy, and I did laugh when I was finished and realised what I had done.  This will probably make some of you laugh cos it is very typical me, and it is likely to make Doffy shake his head and wonder what he did wrong with me, don’t worry Dof I’m pretty sure it’s genetic hehe.  Anyhow cleaning my spare room, it was when I was done that I realised my cleaning of the spare room was actually just me putting stuff in the wardrobes and the sewing desk and shutting doors and stuffing stuff under the couch lol.  I mean it looks nice and tidy at first glance and I’m sure that is what other people are doing when they ‘clean’.  No one actually cleans and sorts stuff out, do they?

I have put it out to the universe that it has less than 99 days to sort this all out (atlst within NZ), I have not celebrated my birthday alone yet and I am not about to start this year.  I made my feelings on this very clear, so the universe knows what it has to do.  We tend to have a pretty good and understanding relationship and I did not get negative vibes from it when I was pointing this out so I feel confident that by my birthday we will be able to catch up again.  

Am semi watching MotoGP at the moment, a repeat from some previous race obviously.  I am pretty sure that I would not survive on a motorbike, they seem to fall a lot and the falls look very painful, and they have loads of padding and it wouldn’t be cheap padding at that level.  Knowing my awesome ability to not balance very well I think I would be a disaster waiting to happen.  That and the fact that my hands suck and can’t grip stuff very well, pretty sure you need them when riding a motorbike.  Lol couldn’t undo my hot water bottle to empty the water out ystdy so I couldn’t make a new one, it’s funny now but at the time it wasn’t quite so amusing.  Figure if I don’t learn to laugh at stuff like that now life could get more irritating than fun and we all know I like the fun stuff most, so laughing is what I shall do.  Plus I’ve been told by more than one person that I have a very happy laugh that lights up my whole face and it would be rude to deprive the world of that sort of amazingness, well deprive Glenny at the moment but hey he totally counts hehe (and look Fishy, you still aint been named hahahahahahahaha :p lol)

I’ve told Glenny that our boys will start playing at the end of May (NRL for those of you who are confused), he thinks I am being a bit optimistic and he says it will be delayed for a few weeks due to, you know, stuff.  He is probably right but that is not as fun as thinking we will get new sport to watch soon.  And no I’m not being totally unrealistic, I understand that my boys will probably still lose but hey new games to lose are way better than ones we have already lost lol.

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