Monday, April 20, 2020

Lockdown Day #26

So first off I would just like to say welcome to my 400th blog post.  For those of you that have been here since the start, well done :) and thanks, and for those that have joined along the way, glad you were smart enough to find the awesome hehe.

Second, seems our lockdown has been extended, but not by as much as I was expecting, just till the end of the long wknd we have coming up.  Kinda sucks they have stolen our day off from us, but then since I was never a fan of ANZAC Day being Monday-a-nised in the first place I’m not actually that bothered.  Bit sad that I can’t go to a dawn service on ANZAC Day but thems the breaks.  Pondering going for an early morning run instead, not at dawn cos the lighting around my area is not very good and does not make this female feel safe when out alone after dark, but earlier than normal get up time.  We will see though cos I’m also not a fan of morning running, well running before I am properly awake and coffeed or tead.  Am sure I will do something though, even if it’s nothing lol

So from next Tuesday (28th) we go to level 3 for a minimum of 2 weeks.  The skeptic in me says that will be extended.  And also not much changes really for me.  I probably should still work from home at level 3 but yeah I won’t be, I will be going into the studio as per normal times.  Ken and I have made sure our desks are atlst 2m apart so we figure we are safe hehe.  Plus we don’t use the same studio all that often so won’t be sharing that stuff either.  He prefers Studio 2, I prefer Studio 3 if I’m by myself, Studio 1 with others lol.  The main part of level 3 that I think is sucky is that you are allowed to include close family into your bubble however you can’t leave your region so you can only actually expand your bubble if you live in the same area as your close family :( Depending on how long we are stuck in level 3 depends on how tempted I will become to test how impossible it is to travel btwn regions.  Atlst Ken has already agreed that when we go to level 2 I can go visit Mum and Dad for a few days and I will just work from their place like I have been working at home so won’t need to take much leave, maybe just a couple hours a day so I don’t have to work as long :) is super nice having an easy-going boss like I do at the moment.  Sure makes it easier when you have to go out of the way for something work related.

Am currently watching the Billboard Music Chart Top 20, mostly cos I am feeling lazy and don’t have a remote for the radio (I did have one but it didn’t work how a remote should work in my opinion.  I can’t say it didn’t work cos it kinda did, in a way.  No matter what button you pressed it turned the volume up, that was all it would do, so I got rid of it.) and SkySport is being boring and this was the best thing on.  However I can safely say I am not missing anything by not listening to a modern music radio station, ever, these days.  This music is really not good.  I would have skipped everything so far.  The only thing it has going for it is that it is making me want to get up to turn on the radio.  And for those of you wondering the only radio stations I listen to are Radio Kidnappers (duh lol), The Sound, and occasionally Radio Sport.  I am definitely not missing out on anything.  

Assistant update…. Not even sure what he has done today other than get up.  Am sure he has done something… surely… oh he says he looked after my phone while I went for a run, that was nice of him, and he says he looked after my wallet while I pondering buying some gluten free bread online – not sure about where you are but here all the good gluten free bread is sold out every time I go to the supermarket and I am not quite desperate enough to buy the bad gluten free bread cos that stuff is horrific.  Now I know you are asking why don’t I just make some bread, well I don’t have enough flour left for that and the gluten free flour is also sold out here, and the brand I get you can’t get online from them so the making my own bread option is out.  The other option is I just don’t have bread for a while, it is doable as I often do it, the only issue is then I have to cook more and we all know I’m not so down with that.  Am running out of microwave meals, so I either have to face supermarket queues or cook actual food which I do technically have…. Bring on level 2 and Jarks being open again, I think I am having withdrawals…

Went into work today, moved a couple of files around and sent a couple emails to pretend that I had a reason to be there even though Ken knew I didn’t and I just wanted to say hey lol.  Told him that I would be back in later in the week whether lockdown was lifted or not.  Gotta love the piece of paper that says I’m allowed to go into work, not that I have ever been pulled up and asked where I am going as it is within 2km from my place, which I’ve heard is all good for us big town people to wander.  Also ran into Steph (from work, not friend) today, she lives around the corner from me and is also in a one-person bubble, though today she had her granddaughter with her.  She has been looking after her on and off to help her daughter out.  Was nice to have a catch up with her, at 2m apart of course hehe.  I normally get massages off her every 6 or so weeks, obviously had to skip my one during lockdown but have let her know to let me know when she is back and able to massage as I’m keen to go back.  She is a bit concerned that not many people will be wanting to go back and it is a luxury kind of spend but hopefully for her she has more than she is expecting.  

Oh by the way, you guys have read over 15,000 words in this lockdown diary, well except for Brudda who has skim read over 15,000 words but as he is skim reading he is likely to miss that comment, and if not well it’s not like he can come hit me cos we are on lockdown lol :) I think I have just found a bright side to lockdown lol totally leaving it on that high note :p :)

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