Friday, April 3, 2020

Lockdown Day #9

Wow, we are almost into double digits for days of being locked up… not sure how I feel about that.  

Today was a not good day work wise.  Pretty much everything that could be made more difficult was.  The computers at work were on the biggest go-slow of their lives, also driving Ken insane and it didn’t help with the remoting in from home cos things are often jerky at the best of times and today it keeps freezing so I had to log out then back in again.  On top of that the website behind our website was glitching out and I kept having to get my friends at Firecrest to fix it.  It was a mix of my login being a dick and the website having issues from what I gathered.  Good thing they are also working from home, and it gave me someone to have a chat with.  Also spent some of the day email chatting with Todd, one of the guys down at Coast Access Radio (Kapiti area).  He is also in a single person bubble and although it’s not the same as hanging with someone it is nice to be able to compare notes about the things that we finding the most annoying and just chat about general stuff.  Needless to say I had to take a few breaks to calm down else my laptop would have been punched or thrown at the door or something.  Ended up working till around 3 cos actually quite a bit to do, it was longer than most Fridays lol.  May end up working some in the wknd as well, as I have work to do and I am likely to get bored.

Was not so happy when a friend asked what I was up to this wknd, it just reminded me that I have two days with nothing to do and no friends I’m allowed to hang out with.  Stupid lockdown.  I mean I do have stuff to do but there is no motivation really to do any of it.  Plus today was freezing bloody cold, we didn’t even get to 20 degrees, and the wknd is meant to be cold too so I might just huddle under blankets and hide. Or maybe clear the spare room enough to build a fort… 

My assistant and I had a compromise today, he got up this morning but he didn’t do any work.  Yeah I may have lost out on the compromise but atlst he was hanging with me in the same room which was nice.  And he looked after my book so he semi worked, kinda.  We had a discussion and decided that as it is Easter next wknd and that means we have extra days off with nothing to do (oh the joys) that we need to theme each days outfit to make things more interesting and special.  We have plenty of ideas and we just need to agree on if we are picking our combined top 4, or if we are drawing from a hat each morning…. I know, massive decisions that we have to make, life is so hard lol.  We did decide on the rules though, the outfit has to be made up of clothes or items that I own already, I am not allowed to sew something for it.  If possible I need to include accessories like shoes and jewelry if applicable.  And I need to take a pic for the blog, so you guys can see how awesome my life is lol.  

Today we also watched highlights of Bathurst 2001 (after I finished work if you are wondering), and can I just say watching them have to change gears properly was awesome, until Skaife overtook Murphy cos Murph missed a gear then it wasn’t quite so awesome.  But it still kinda was, cos they just don’t race like that now.  And yes I still verbally assisted the cars that were racing and shared my encouragement, or displeasure, depending on the driver.  I may even have clapped with joy when certain cars left the track hehe :)

Also, just in case you didn’t know, I have typed over 5,000 words in this diary thing, which means you have read over 5,000 of my rambling words hehe.  Oh and it’s 8 pages in word which means if you were to read this out loud it would take roughly between 24-32 minutes, just in case you were wondering lol

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