Monday, April 27, 2020

Lockdown Day #33

Should’ve been at Lions tonight, with a dinner provided, instead I stayed home and cooked my own dinner.  Not quite the same really.  But we have made it to the last day of official lockdown.  Congrats to us.  I hope we mostly have our sanity intact, or in my case no less sanity than I started with, which may be questionable, depending on whether you think holding complete long conversations with a stuffed toy including laughing at stuff he says is sane or not.  I think it is sane enough which really is all that matters lol.  I said earlier this was the last official day of lockdown, I say official day as technically nothing much changes tomorrow for a lot of people, and I have heard level 3 being called lockdown with takeaways which is not far off really.  For me I’ll be going in to work, but to be fair that was coming anyhow whether the levels changed or not, I was already going in more often and for longer by the end of lockdown as I wanted the company.

For me the last day of lockdown was a pj day.  It started out as one, as many of my wknds do, and I was planning to get changed when I was going to go do something, however I never ended up doing anything, just reading in many locations and watched some tv, and did some baking.  I was going to go for a run but I really wasn’t in the mood at any stage and life is too short to do stuff you are not in the mood for I think.  So it was a pj day, till I had my shower just before and then guess what, I changed into pjs hehe :) 

I text Ken this morning to say enjoy your extra day off hehe, I know he doesn’t like lockdown cos he likes being out doing stuff so an extra day off for him is not something he would be a fan of, and I got a reply to say that today looked like a good day to make peanut brownies in Hastings lol, little did he know I was going to make some anyhow.  I thought it would be nice to make him some as a thanks for letting me come back into the office to work.  All the Access Stations have had one staff member working from the station and the other staff from home during lockdown, but I know that many of them are now letting another person work from work as they have people in single person bubbles that need the company, it’s kinda the humane thing to do really.  I do love how supportive we are all in this industry, I mean sure there are issues and politics like anywhere (actually more than some places I think) but when it comes down to it everyone is there to support everyone else when it is required.

I am not sure why, cos I mean I have been doing it for the last ages anyhow, but lockdown has exaggerated the fact that I am the only person that ever does the dishes here.  That chore has gotten more and more irritating as lockdown has progressed and has been done more and more reluctantly.  Maybe its cos it needs to be done so often, and things like vacuuming are done so less frequently, but whatever it is, I can’t wait till I don’t have to do them so often.  Probably doesn’t help that I am having to cook and use plates etc more than normal cos I would often eat out or pick up something from the supermarket that didn’t require cooking.  Atlst Jarks is open for delivery or contactless collection in level 3, wahoo, I can’t wait.  Have decided it needs to be a treat though, for making it through the work week.  Not yet decided if will order on Thursday so can have leftovers for lunch on Friday or if it will be a Friday treat, whichever way yay that I can order from them again.

Not quite sure what else to say, aint really done much worth noting these past couple of days.  I will be continuing this on into level 3 though, just if you were wondering.  It might not be quite as regular, guess it depends how busy I end up being at work and how much boredom I feel in the evenings.  But as life won’t even be remotely back to a version of normal I figure it will be worth writing about.  Also as I am going to have to learn to work without motorsport going on in the background that could be an interesting adjustment.  I am also going to miss The Sound, but shhh don’t read that part too loud cos they are kind of a competitor, a big giant we can swish you with our little toe kind of competitor really.  Good thing we are such a small fry and hit a totally different market to who they aim at that we don’t get on their radar lol

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