Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lockdown Day #21

Well we have made it to 3 weeks, well done us.  Not sure about you but not much has happened in my world in the last couple of days.  I’ve gotten up each morning, getting more and more tempting not too though, done some work, then procrastinated plenty, done some more work, then chilled till dinner, eaten dinner then done not a lot else after.  So yeah, that’s about my days these days.  Oh and ystdy for some excitement I got to go to work for a couple hours to fix a technical issue, and I can safely say I did not fix it but I found a workaround which in my book is pretty much the same thing, it’s the same result so therefore basically the same thing.  Certainly helps keep the stress out of my life, well limits it and stops it getting too high shall we say.

Also finished painting the inside side of my front door, looks pretty good if I do say so myself.  Kinda makes me want to paint the ceiling though, but I have enough other things that are more higher on my list of wants than that, though I do spend a lot of time in the lounge so it may get bumped up the list at some stage.  Hopefully by the time it gets bumps up my slave can come and help do it…. hehe.

Glenny, it turns out, is not very good at looking after wool.  I have given him my cellphone instead cos he kept tangling the wool which is not cool, it does not make crocheting any easier if the wool is all tangled.  He is much better at looking after remotes and cellphones I think.

Finished watching Doctor Doctor if you care, and in the injustice that is this world so often it is not in stock with the company I normally buy my Aussie DVDs from.  I mean what else am I meant to do on lockdown but mission through TV shows so it’s a bit mean if I can’t even buy the next season of the one I was watching.  May have to buy the other show that I want that NZ doesn’t seem to be stocking instead.  Good thing I like a variety of shows aint it hehe.

Have you noticed that summer has left, I sure have.  It is definitely getting cooler at night and in the evenings and the days are not so warm.  I think I have fully acclimatised to Hastings weather too, I do not remember thinking these temperatures were this cold last year.  It does make the summers better though, with them not seeming so hot.  Spose you can’t win them all, or that is what they say, and I should just be happy with what I have.

In the achievement side of things, cos we still have to celebrate those, I made pancakes today without setting of a single smoke alarm, yup in my mind the celebration is in full swing with streamers and confetti.  Bro would be able to tell you that this is in fact a rather impressive achievement for me, sad fact but true.  And no, no one was here to witness it except Glenny and we all know how unreliable he would be on the witness stand so you have to take my word for it.  Promise I am telling the truth, however I will not ever promise to be able to do it again (I can set them off cooking eggs after all, I think mine may actually be a tad too sensitive, if that is possible…)

Tomorrow am going to head into work in the morning for an hour or so, for no other reason that I want to and I can so I will.  Then I dunno, might head home and do some procrastinating, or go for a walk or run, or be lazy and do nothing.  Who knows, the world is my oyster, so long as I stay in my bubble and don’t venture too far it is anyway lol

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