Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lockdown Day #17

Well today started off nice and quiet.  I read in bed for a while, then got up and put a load of wash on so that if nothing else I could claim I had been semi productive because of that, then read on the couch for a while, had lunch and read on my beanbag in the sun for a while.  Once the book was finished though (it was a pretty crap book but still wanted to know how terrible the end was, not the best chick lit I have ever read but also not the worst so I kept reading, I mean I knew that the guy and the girl would get together and I was intrigued enough to keep reading, if the book is bad enough then I don’t care enough to keep going and then I don’t) my afternoon picked up.  

I played 18 rounds of golf (yes I still suck), some baseball (not a lot before giving up tho cos the game sucks), then did some ten-pin bowling, then some skiing and some snowboarding, then went to a couple of step classes then did some hula hooping.  So a very busy afternoon (playing the Wii if you are wondering).  Oh and I also made stew for dinner.  Not with my main recipe though, cos that didn’t work, I tried though but I don’t think it’s a lockdown recipe (it may say something along the lines of be busy and leave it to Dof to make hehe, he never turned up though).  So I made it myself.  I am not quite sure what I did wrong but I managed to burn it, it seems my cooking skills are almost limitless lol.  Considering I didn’t have any onion or carrot and I burnt it, it still tasted pretty damn amazing.  Yummy yummy yum yum.  I did add stock and herbs to it which probably made it the yumminess that it was.  Not sure I want to do the dishes though cos I also burnt last night’s stir-fry which means I now have a pot and a frying pan to scrub :( boo cooking, it so shouldn’t be required if one doesn’t want to do it. 

I also worked out today that Glenny and I both have a bald patch in roughly the same location, I think we have been hanging out a bit too long lol.  Not sure who got theirs first cos as far as I know he has had his forever and mine was already there the first time I shaved my hair so mine coulda been there forever too.

Today I wore one of my medieval dresses and was Medieval Jilly.  I normally wear the blue one when I wear one but today I decided to have a bit of a change up and I wore the other one.  The sleeves got a bit annoying for some things.  They were all good for things that required my arms to be raised, like hanging the washing, and were all good when it came to things like reading, but most everything else they just got in the way.  I did discover though, that varnishing while wearing a medieval dress does not make it smell any better, it still smells ick.  

And yes, if you were wondering I did some work today.  I know, I know, I am becoming a bit of a nerd during lockdown but it fills in time, and it saves time later on so it’s not too sad I don’t think.  My assistant was pretty assisty today, he musta been in a good mood.  I mean he didn’t go out of his way, and he wasn’t like a superhero assistant but still he was pretty good with what I wanted him to do :) I’m guessing he didn’t realise it was Saturday of a long wknd, or he will ask for something in return another time, but I don’t mind, I got what I wanted today which is all that matters at the moment hehe.

Oh, I also got a tad distracted this morning (in btwn all the reading) and watched a couple of my Scottish mates play Xbox online for a while.  It was rather addictive, I like watching them play, I used to hang out with them while they played some wknds when I was in Edinburgh.  Mark was doing it as a fundraiser for a charity, he was playing for 24 hours straight, that would have been hard I think.  And Ant was doing it to keep Mark company.  I only watched for about an hour, my connection kept cutting out which didn’t make it as fun and it should have been.  But it was still awesome watching them play again, and hearing them chat, there is just something about a Scottish accent…. mmmmm lol.

I have gotten my wool box out of the wardrobe as well, and I have started my next crocheting project.  Nope, not telling you what it is yet, mostly cos I don’t know if it is going to work or not so this way if it doesn’t work out right and I turn it into something else then I don’t have to admit that if I don’t want to lol.  If it works how I want though it should look pretty awesome, so got my creative fingers crossed that it all goes to plan.

Not sure what my plan is for tonight, but am probably going to watch some Doctor Doctor, if you haven’t heard of it, it is a awesome as Aussie tv show.  I have the first 3 seasons on dvd, and I think the 4th is due out soon so thought it would be wise to re-watch them all so I know what has happened when I get the 4thseason to watch.  Not that I would forgot as have watched them a few times but who would want to take the risk hehe.

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