Sunday, May 3, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #6

Well we made it through the wknd.  Gotta say this wknd was worse than the previous lockdown wknds, to me atlst it was.  I think it is because during the week I got to go back to semi normal and got to go to work which was real good.  Yet ystdy when I woke up I was back to being alone and not being able to do what I wanted to do.  

Friday was a good day, Ken and I decided we had to finish early cos it was a beautiful sunny day and there is little to be happy about somedays so we would take it where we could.  I could have gone for a run or something when I got home, but I didn’t.  Complete lack of motivation is all I can say.  

Saturday I spent the day moving with the sun.  It was that nice, not too hot, just pleasantly warm sunshine and since today and the next few days are forecast for rain I figured it was my duty to enjoy the sun and to make the most of it.  That and no motivation to do anything.  I did finish two books though, so I technically achieved something lol.

Today I decided to not do anything as I didn’t want to risk getting rained on.  Well that was my excuse, in reality I think motivation has just given up and gone on holiday.  So I’ve spent the day doing very little, but I was fully justified as the rain has just arrived, so see it did rain lol.

I ordered Jarks for dinner last night and have decided that I shall try and order from them once a week as my contribution to supporting local.  I say try cos I normally want them on a Sunday but they are shut on Sunday’s, nothing new as they were always shut Sunday.  I got a pizza and chips (my usual when I’m on my own cos then I get leftovers for the next day hehe), and I got a bonus small piece of brownie which totally made my day.  Not sure if I got the bonus brownie cos everyone is, or if its cos they have my details saved as I have made quite a few bookings with them in the past.  I don’t mind either way, it was a lovely surprise which I am just super happy about.  It is definitely the small things at the moment that make a big difference I think.

On Friday my heart was broken, well not really but the expression seems to fit.  Was chatting with some of the theatre folk and one of them mentioned that the theatre wouldn’t open again till level 0 when things were back to normal.  Now it is probably something everyone already knows, everyone except me, which is why it was said so casually but I was not aware that there was a level 0.  In my mind things were going to go level 2 then back to normal.  Finding out about that extra step, which could be a very long one, just threw me a lot.  Shattered my already rather fragile bubble.  Atlst I am I able to visit my family for support, oh wait a minute, no I can’t cos we live in a dictatorship, which is pretending to be a voted in government when they didn’t actually get the majority of the votes.  Yeah, can you tell someone is not super happy with things at the moment.  I know there is a virus going around but there are times when I think getting sick and maybe dying would be a better option than what I have at the moment.  Atlst Cleo is ready to go for a wander when I have had enough and just need to go get some family time.  I don’t really want to break the rules but hey, sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl’s gotta do.

Anyhow to end on a bright-ish note, get to go back to work tomorrow woot woot.  Being the start of the month I have to do invoicing, so not my favourite job but altst it’s something to do and will keep me occupied for the morning.  I also think I am recording a couple people via phone so that will be good.  One I was meant to do last week but her baby had just woken up and was making a bit of a drama in the background, so we rescheduled for tomorrow.  Can’t remember who the other one is, but am sure I will be reminded tomorrow haha.  Also have some shows to edit so will have plenty to do, and company while I do it which is the best part, yay for Ken lol.

PS this diary thing has over 20,000 words in it now.  Hopefully we are back to normal enough that I don’t need to keep writing this before I get to 25,000

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