Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #9

Now I have thought the following quite often, but it seems much more relevant at the moment - if we could marry businesses I would totally marry Jarks.  There is more than one reason, cos come on if you are getting married it should be for more than one reason lol, mainly they just cook amazing food, total num num.  Also they are super friendly and friendly is impt in a partner.  And Jilly Jarks would be such a cool name, no one can argue with that lol.

Found my old Radio School stuff, and boy can I just say that if that was my best stuff I sure have come a long way lol.  Haven’t exactly practiced to become better or anything, I think I just have more confidence and care less about what others may think and that has made me better.  Now I just go with the flow and if I make a mistake I just go with it, back then I would have edited it out or redone it.  And if I was in commercial radio maybe I would still have to sound super excited about every single thing, but thankfully I do not.  I just have to sound happy and interested which is super easy.  Anyhow, have decided that as a treat I will take Ken my skite tape lol, I think he will get a kick out of it.  That and the NZ Music Doco that I made on a now completely forgotten but back then band that I loved.  That one was pretty good, probably cos I re-voiced and edited it lots.

Today at work there were many funny bits, to my mind atlst.  Made another Kidnappers Kidz, lol Penelope the Pixie just cracks me up every time, not only voicing her but listening back when I have amended my voice to be hers :) Definitely the best character I have created I think.  She came about cos Dave the Dinosaur (aka Ken) needed a new ad a while back and so his friend Penelope the Pixie came in to voice it and tell all the kids about the great show her friend did.  Then Dexter (aka David from Theatre HB) came in and took over Kidnappers Kidz and all the fun (for us) disappeared.  But since we have been in lockdown and broadcasters aren’t allowed in Dave and Penelope have been holding down the fort (yay hehe).  
            Also makes me giggle at the two different ways there are to make prerecorded shows, well in general, for the music ones.  You can just wing it, make it up as you go along and either say stuff off memory, or read it on Wikipedia (or somewhere else online) before hitting record then say it off that memory.  And if you make a mistake that’s not too major just correct and keep going, no bothering with over editing or anything, so long as it sounds natural and not too hideous it’s all good.  And then there is the research, write notes, record and if make a mistake re-record, edit very well and make sure it is super smooth way.  Guess which one is me and which is Ken? Lol, if you got that wrong you really don’t know me as well as you should haha.  I am definitely the wing it one lol.  Live is a different story of course.
            As we edit Ken and I both tend to have the awesome habit of talking out loud of what we are doing (delete, import audio, ok, etc) and singing to the songs as you make sure they blend in well after and before the speaking bits.  This is impt to know for the next part which is why I am mentioning it.  This afternoon when Ken and I were busy editing, him a NZ Music Month Special and me Kidnappers Kidz, we were doing our singing along and it was rather funny cos, completely by accident, he would sing a snippet from a classic NZ song from the 60s or 70s and then I would sing a snippet from a kids tune, then him a NZ song, then me a kids tune etc.  Lol it was rather hilarious.  Then quite by accident we both sang ‘file, import audio’ at the same time, and yes we both sing it the same way.  I think it might be time that we get some more people in our bubbles lol.

It is rather chilly this evening, and was today too for that matter.  I currently have a hot water bottle and a blanket; the heater is warming up my bedroom for when I go to bed.  We are meant to be dropping down to 2 overnight, brrrrr.  Guess winter really is coming.  Sadly though we didn’t get the thunderstorms we were promised today, both Ken and I were sad when we realised the sun was out for good.  Cleo didn’t mind though, cos she got to go out today, I didn’t wanna risk getting drenched on the way home.  I think she had fun chilling with Ken’s car all day, was some company for her atlst.

In one of the tv shows I am watching at the moment, the main chick has the worst dress sense ever.  In half the scenes I can’t even focus on what I should be focusing on because what she is wearing is just so bad.  She has newly come into lots of money, and was just a poor-ish person before that.  I can’t tell if she is meant to be very fashionable and fashion is just bad or if she is meant to dressing bad and we are meant to know that it is bad… I wouldn’t have a clue.  All I do know is that if she is meant to be fashionable all I can say is I will stick to jeans and hoodies thank you very much lol

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