Monday, May 4, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #7

Look at that, a whole week of Level 3, aka Lockdown with Takeaways, completed.  Well done us.  I would love to say that’s one week closer to normality but hey, we have no idea when that will be so it’s not really is it.  It’s just one week down.  

You know how ystdy I said I had two people to record and one was a reschedule from last week, well Ken actually did that one (yay) and I got two others.  One I may have tuned out a little on, whoops.  She is one of those alternative health people that I don’t believe in what they do so I struggle to pay attention sometimes as I think it is all wishy washy and fake.  She totally believes it though so I spose that is the main thing.  And atlst she does the show herself which is good, I don’t have to come up with questions to ask.  The other show was our Philippine one, and Leah normally does it all on her own and sometimes rings and chats with Jesus (Gary) Domingo who is the Philippine Ambassador, however as we are doing all the shows by phone she did her part by phone then I rang and chatted with Gary which was cool.  Have met him, he came into the studios last year, and he is such a lovely guy.  Was cool getting the update on how the Philippines have been affected by this virus as well.  Sadly it seems that many of the Filipinos in NZ will have to leave soon as they are on work visas but aren’t earning due to lockdown, and a criteria of the visas is that they are working.  I suspect there won’t be much work for them back home either somehow, which is sad.

Glenny has enjoyed this evening, mostly cos I was trying to find a story to read for the kids show this coming wknd so obviously had to read a few of them to see which ones read best out loud and which ones are fun to listen to, and fun to read.  We have narrowed it down to two…. Not sure which one will do, might record them both and have one up my sleeve in case I need it next wknd, or maybe I will use both.  Who knows.  Guess those listening on Saturday morning will find out lol.  And yes one of the books that made the short list may technically be my brothers book but since it is in my house I fully think it is now mine, and I am pretty sure that I have thought it was mine (along with others that someone wrote his name in) for a while now lol.  The other story that made the short list, if you are wondering, used to be Dad’s but he gave it to me so it is legit mine :) hehe.  And yes I do have plenty of books that are mine, but not all the good ones were mine so I just claimed the ones I wanted, cos seriously me and Glenny read them the most anyhow so we figure that they should stay with us :)

Aint really done much else today.  Went to work, took Ken some Banana Loaf I made ystdy and he agreed that it was rather moreish.  It is definitely not lasting more than a couple of days, but then it runs the risk of going stale if it stays around too long and we would hate for that to happen.  Other than recording a couple shows, I did the invoicing (will send them out tomorrow as Yvonne does the statements for me and she was having technical issues today), caught up on editing and just the normal day-to-day stuff.  Ken and I caught up on our rather blah wknds, I must admit non-lockdown Monday’s are way more fun cos you have decent catch-ups to be had.  I did manage to miss the heavy rain we had today, no idea how I missed it but Ken also didn’t point it out.  He waited till we were leaving and when I saw the rather wet ground and commented on the fact it musta rained to say ‘oh yeah it was pouring down and you didn’t notice’ with a laugh.  As he knows I like the rain I think this was rather mean.  It did explain why he offered me a ride home in case of rain though lol.  I chose to walk home as I figured the rain was over and I was right, been no more rain and the sun even poked it’s head out while I was walking home.  

I am now going to start a new crossword.  HB Today are putting extra puzzles in the papers at the moment, including big crosswords (I like the big ones cos the chance that I will know an answer goes up the more clues there are lol), so Doffy and I have been doing them together.  Almost like old times, but I send him pics of how it is going as we go through and he gives me a few answers each time, till I concede and let him just finish it lol.  But since they are all being done in my handwriting I’m pretty sure that means I am the one finishing them cos I am super smart :) hahahahahahahahaha :)

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