Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #16

Well done everyone, we have made it to the end of lockdown.  Well I think it is the end of lockdown as such cos although we are still not back to normal there is a lot more freedom to do what we normally would be doing in Level 2.  I already have a couple things in my diary woot woot.  Have a theatre board meeting next week and am catching up with atlst one friend this wknd, am waiting to hear back from another.  We also are letting our broadcasters back into the studios from tomorrow, first booking is at 8:30 lol, Heiko couldn’t wait and I don’t blame him.  And as much as I love Ken it’s a yay that he won’t be my only company lol.

I must admit I am looking forward to things being more normal.  I know we still need to be careful, which I am sure most of us will be, but it will be nice to know that if I want to go for a drive I won’t get into trouble for it.  And that I can go to see friends in Napier.  And that I can wander into the shops if I want to browse before buying something.  It’s a nice feeling.  Also means the roads will be busier for when I am running but they have been getting busier in the past few weeks anyhow so it’s not a major.

Sometimes I think it was better before people like Bluebird and TipTop figured out the gluten free thing.  You may think that sounds weird to be saying that, but let’s take Bluebird and look at it properly.  Before Bluebird figured out the gluten free chips I would only have say a third of a bag at a time, cos although the other brands are definitely edible they are not quite as moreish.  Bluebird comes along and not only are their gluten free chips a tad on the expensive side, but they are amazing and totally worth the extra cost, just saying! And to all you out there who think I may be a frugal and possibly weird cos I won’t spring for something like wi-fi, well it’s because I like to be able to afford the really good gluten free stuff.  I mean if I have to eat this food I might as well have the best tasting of it hehe.  Anyhow back to Bluebird, along they come with their gluten free chips and you try to put the bag away after only eating some, but good luck with that, you will just reopen it and keep on munching, well if you are anything like me you will lol.  If you are wondering what started this pondering let me just say that I had dinner, was full enough but wanted to just have a snack, and now am almost one bag of chips down.  Good thing I bought two packets lol

Not quite sure what else to say, would say I haven’t done much last night or tonight but if we are literal then I have built a house, a lighthouse, a fence, most of a sunset and most of an ocean.  Yes I’m doing a jigsaw hehe.  Thought I would have started one earlier on in lockdown but was bored of all mine cos had just recently done pretty much all of them, but I got this one at mum and dads in the wknd (got dad to order it from one of his magazine things a while back) so now have a new one to do so yay :)

Plan to sort out the spare room this wknd, but have been thinking that since about Easter.  There is a clear path to the windows, with an off shoot to the wardrobe with the coats in it, so it’s not like it’s unusable.  But the couch is rather full of stuff so now that people can visit people again and I’m hoping some people come visit me, I really should make it so they can stay the night if they want to… Maybe, though, seeing as visitors are actually now a reality it will happen.  I do have one less thing in there to tidy though, knew I was smart leaving the overlocker at mums hehe.

Today was a pretty good day at work.  I say pretty good though all day both Ken and I were thinking it was Thursday and had to keep reminding each other that it wasn’t.  Threw me a couple times when I thought the wrong show was playing cos it was a Wednesday show not a Thursday show lol.  Plus someone took all the batteries out of our clocks :( that was just a cruel mean joke, not cool at all!  But I did spend a chunk of the arvo playing around with making headers for our website and some stuff for our Facebook page which was fun.  On our website we have headers that say when certain shows are playing, I normally make a few new ones every few weeks or whenever I have time and remember to do so.  Well today I made a few, and actually made a note of which ones I had done so I don’t end up with double-ups, and I will just save them and change them round every few weeks but if I’m busy atlst I won’t have to make new ones.  Also played around with trying different programmes for making the squares of coming up shows that we put up on Facebook.  May sound like nothing much but my personal laptop had the most user friendly for what I was doing programme but I don’t want to be doing them at home cos that aint fun, and the programme I was using previously at work was frustrating and irritating so I experimented and downloaded a few to try, played around with a couple online and then found one that does what I want super awesomely, even better than my laptop one so I am stoked as.  It was definitely worth the couple hours of playing around that I did.  Yay for slow days occasionally I guess.

Anyhow bring on Level 2 and a return to an almost normal life and no spike in Covid-19 cases.  I definitely do not want to go back into lockdown at all.  At this stage this is the end of the Lockdown Diary, however I am aiming to check in every week or so to let you all know how I am going, will see how busy I get though.  And when Cleo and I go on roadtrips or do something exciting there will of course be a post with pics shared.  

If you’re wondering the lockdown dairy has exactly 25,500 words (!) and is 36 pages long.  Well done all of you for getting through it with me, thanks :) hope you have enjoyed it.  I have enjoyed writing it, and it has given me something to do, which I have needed some days.

PS. Hey all, Penelope the Pixie here, just thought I would sneak in and say hey :) Dave the Dinosaur and me have convinced Jilly to give us our own time slot so every Sunday morning from next weekend we are going to saying hey to you all.  If 7am is too early for you, you will be able to listen to our show on the website pages cos we also convinced Jilly to do that for us.  I think she likes us.  And if you want to request any songs or stories or if you have any jokes we can tell just send them to Jilly and she will pass them along cos she is awesome like that :)  
See ya :)

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