Monday, May 25, 2020

Have you missed me???

Have you missed me?  Aww shucks, you make me feel so loved hehe.  I am definitely enjoying Level 2 more than I did 3 and 4.  Mostly cos life is mostly back to normal for me, work is back to how we were (if you ignore the signing in and the sanitiser) and other than lines outside some shops most seem to have calmed down, and other than pre-booking for Jarks things there were pretty much the same again which is cool.  And more imptly my diary is back to having stuff in it, which is great.  Some things are not back to normal, Lions are not meeting just yet and one of my book clubs isn’t either though I have suggested a non-book club catch-up this wknd for those of us who are keen, which it turns out is quite a few so yay.  My other book club I didn’t make it to in the wknd cos Bro was visiting, another yay.

We didn’t do a lot really, mostly just chilled and caught up.  We wandered up Te Mata Peak on Saturday morning, sadly my preferred routes were closed off due to tree felling so we had to mission up a different way, which was much more direct and didn’t take anywhere near as long as I had figured we would take.  It turns out that running on the flat streets in Hastings really doesn’t help you when it comes to climbing that not even very high peak :( guess I either need to drive to somewhere hilly to run, or I need to go walking on Te Mata Peak more.  I also showed Bro my nicely painted room, he is the first person to have seen it since it was painted.  And yes I am aware he helped me paint it but he never saw it with the tape off and my stuff in it.  Is a tad sad that it has taken this long for someone to come and see it, but then I have to remind myself that the government banned all you lovely people from coming to see my room cos they are just plain mean lol.

Other than work and Bro visiting, in Level 2 I have caught up with a friend for coffee (we had a great catch-up and then general chat), I have been to see my hairdresser (she liked the cut I gave myself over lockdown and just tidied it up where it needed it), had a Theatre HB Board Meeting (so good, and awesome hugs and catch-ups were had), went to the optometrist (to find out how much more screwed my eyes are than last time), caught up with my friend Steph and saw her new baby (new as of about 2 days before lockdown), and this evening I saw Steph (a different Steph) for a massage, which always takes longer than the hour cos we end up chatting lol.  So it’s been a great start to Level 2 so far :) 

Oh and I also created a pic of Dave the Dinosaur and Penelope the Pixie hanging out for our website hehe (and by created I mean I found two seperate pics and worked my magic to make them one and overlapping so they look like they are hanging out)

Dave the Dinosaur and Penelope the Pixie

Te Mata Peak
All credit for this pic goes to Mother Nature lol

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