Monday, May 11, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Day #14

I think life might be going back to being more normal, and not just because we are heading to Level 2 slowly over the next few weeks, but because when I went to the supermarket today there was no queue and I also got pretty much everything on my list.  I didn’t manage to get gluten free chicken gravy but that is hard to find in normal circumstances, and there was no gluten free flour though this is not on my list as other people have got me some cos they are awesome.  I hope this is a sign of good things coming not just a lull cos the takeaway places are open again.  I am not sure if I will keep going with the fortnightly shopping or not.  Normally I duck in after work and pick up what I want for the next day or so, and if my list on the bench of other stuff (baking, cleaning, toiletries etc) is big enough then I do a special shop for that stuff and use that as a time to stock up on other stuff I may want.  Other than running out of fruit doing it fortnightly aint really all that bad, just means you gotta be more prepared, and have a semi organised pantry so you have somewhere to put all the groceries lol.

Today was a very quiet day at work.  I only had one broadcaster to phone and record and I chatted with her too.  Phillipa is one that I think is very sane and understands how most people work.  Her show is Health Matters and an example of why I think she is sane and understands us average people is today we were discussing good habits food-wise in particular and she said you don’t have to cook a proper fancy dinner, it can be something simple, all in one pot, or microwaved frozen veges and something simple with it.  She also said that if you are having a pre-prepared microwave meal full of preservatives even just adding some frozen veges to it when microwaving it makes it a much better meal.  And she then pointed out that you should not focus on the things you aren’t doing (like cooking proper dinners) and should focus on what you are doing (like adding some extra veges), and I think that is pretty awesome cos most people will have lazy or off days and I don’t trust people that imply you should always be onto it and super healthy.  
            A way to tell that my day was very very quiet is that I printed off a list of all the people who are subscribed to our monthly-ish newsletter, and printed off a list of all our broadcasters (after updating it) and started updating the newsletter subscriptions.  I removed the really old people who don’t look at the newsletter any more, made sure that everyone on the list is in the right category (some ex-broadcasters are still in broadcasters group, while others that have started a show haven’t been added to the broadcasters group), and tomorrow I will add in the ones that are missing.  So yeah, super lots to do lol.  It is a good thing in a way as I have been wanting to tidy it up for a while so in some ways now being quiet is a good thing.  I also filled in some more time in the midnight-6am slots with shows from the archives, I think I am down to only having a few hours to do each weekday early morning now.  Finding the shows to put in the spare spaces aint that hard or time consuming, but setting them up play and adding them to the schedule takes a bit of time, and it’s something you don’t want to rush cos it could either not play, or it could play and no-one knows to tune in, or it might play but if I haven’t made a note of it on my spreadsheet we don’t get the credit for it which is the whole point.  Last month we were very much down on our 36c first run hours, however our repeat runs were up and our general playlist hours were well down, which is a woot woot for me cos it means I’m filling in gaps good hehe.

I was motivated to do stuff when I got back from mum and dads ystdy, and I was hoping that that would last a few days, however it appears that it is already faded.  The most I can claim to have done after work today was pull out the two pairs of shoes I’ve decided I don’t need no more cos I don’t wear them, and send pa a pic of a job I want his help with when he visits.  I have done some crocheting but since I did that while watching tv I don’t really think it counts.  So yeah, seems the motivation is gone already.  Kinda sad it didn’t last any longer.  Will be interesting to see if it slowly, or fastly, returns under Level 2.  I have a vague feeling it may be gone for good, well except for the odd moment, mostly cos it was kinda on the way out before lockdown so I highly doubt it will make a magical reappearance lol.

I am over promos for traveling and touristy shows on tv, I feel like it is unfair for them to be playing when there is no way we could go on a holiday to the places they are showing any time soon.  I know the shows have been filmed and as there are no new episodes being filmed for shows tv has to play something but surely they can pick something other than travel shows.  Maybe I am the odd one out, and no one else cares or they even enjoy watching them, but I feel like they are a cruel form of torture.

I had something else I was going to say, but my brain has switched off and some NRL show is on which is way more interesting than trying to figure out what my brain was thinking.  Plus there is apparently only 17 days to go till NRL restarts woot woot, would quite like them to update their app so I know when my boys are scheduled to play, but I spose I should have learnt how to be patient by now, haha like that will ever happen.  Haha watching this show and I was just thinking ‘man I would love to be paid to just talk about random stuff’, ummm JB you already are being paid to talk about random stuff with random people lol.

Anyhow, am off to go get my yummy as dairy free gluten free vegan friendly chocolate honeycomb ice cream which, sorry guys, but it totally trumps sitting here typing random thoughts for you to read.  Plus if I want to stay under 25,000 words I best stop now just in case I get chatty in the next couple of days lol

1 comment:

Luiz Gomes said...

Good morning, how are you? I am Brazilian and I would like to invite you to be a follower on my blog. I wish you and your family a lot of health.