Friday, October 7, 2016

Success :) I'm a lil old school but I'm back

So I'm using my old NZ phone cos it is old enough that it's not got the latest upgrade that made me unable to use the blog app :) score one for the older phones haha. Just got to text me the pics I take on the good phone to put on blog when have wi-fi, oh the things I do for you people lol. 

So this morning I caught the train from Edinburgh to Aviemore, sat next to a really nice lady on the train who was heading to Perth for acupuncture for her arthritis. We had a good old chat and I learnt about things you can do as a kid when you are holidaying on the coast and different spots to look out for. She also showed me the rock you can see in a distance looking out across the water which is where the Firth of Fife meets the North Sea :) 

The scenery on the train trip was very pretty as well, Missie def enjoyed the views though we still think the Cairngorms are tiny and not at all mountainey. On the train I was trying to put up a post on my last few days in Edinburgh being hectic as, so here is it summed up in a sentence or two. Very very busy last few days packing and catching up with friends, saw The Kelpies with Rach and enjoyed a final book group meeting plus drunk coffee and alcohol with various friends. Now we are enjoying saying we are traveling in the UK, no more of this working in the UK hehe. 

When we arrived at Aviemore we found a nice place to have a rest and a read till we could check in at the hostel, then after checking in and ditching the heavy stuff we went for a wander in town and the visitors centre where and we now have our next day and a bit planned-ish :) then managed to wander out of town and into the countryside without realising it, go us. Nice to stretch the legs though. 

The Kelpies

Having fun at book group 

All ready for the next phase of UK adventure to begin

Chilling on the train and enjoying the views

Enjoying the sun and a book at Aviemore

Gorgeous setting for hostel am staying at for next two nights

Just liked this view, and was around here we figured we was not in town no more lol

Random truck outside outdoor shop lol, I just liked it so took a pic 

We found our fav UK cake in the supermarket (minus the one James makes lol) mmm dessert hehe

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