Monday, October 17, 2016

Ireland Tour Day Two

Yesterday we did the coastal Slea Head Drive around one of the peninsulas here near the bottom of Ireland. We had lovely views, once it stopped raining, and we got to walk part of it and I managed to scare a good number of the people on the tour when I jumped up on the stone wall between the road and the sheet drop to the sea - I wanted a pic from there lol

After this lovely drive we went to the town of Dingle for a couple hours lunch break. We had lunch at a lovely pub then Missie and I headed off for a wander around the streets and harbour. Got some lovely photos as well. We were going to go the the aquarium to see the otters but we didn't have enough time and it was mega expensive to get in.

We then drove round to Inch Beach, which is actually 3 miles long, for a photo stop and short wander. Keith attempted to throw me in the water, may have come about after I splashed him with water lol, but he did not succeed, obviously hehe. 

We ended up in Killarney where we stayed last night and will be staying tonight as well. We went to a local pub that was playing traditional Irish music early-ish in the evening then a band was gonna be playing. The band totally rocked and I really wanted to take them home with me, I think the bassist would have been down with that cos he really wants to come to NZ haha. It was an awesome as evening :)

Slea Head Drive

Up on the wall pic lol 

Missie and her friend

Random road sign lol


Inch Beach (Keith trying to get me in the water)

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