Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ireland Tour Day Nine

Yesterday was the final day of our tour, and it started off on quite a somber and serious note with us doing the Black Taxi Tour through Belfast learning about the history of the area, seeing the murals and the peace wall. After the tour we then went to the Titantic Experience and wandered around there for a couple hours seeing the titanics history from being built to sinking. Enjoyed both of these, the taxi tour most of all, not many photos taken though as was more interested in listening and taking it all in. 

We then got on the bus and started heading for Dublin, we had a lunch stop along the way and also stopped at Monasterboice which is where there are some of the old Celtic crosses that have the carvings telling stories on them and also an old round tower (there is history with that as well but I forgot it already). 

Then it was off to Dublin where Joe dropped us off and we all went our own ways, well we went to our seperate accommodations then met up in a bar for one last night of hanging out together :)

The Peace Wall

Shotglass of milk got with my cup of tea at the Titanic Experience


My treat - a hotel room for last night

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