Friday, October 21, 2016

Ireland Tour Day Six

Today we said goodbye to the 6 day tour people, including Eli :( and our group headed out of Galway and off to Cong it was. Cong had a museum and stuff for some old movie that was filmed there (didn't go in) and it also had a bridge where you could be in two places at once, County Galway and County Mayo. We then bumped into Eli, turns out their bus had stopped in Cong as well, and she mentioned there was a castle so off Alex and I went with her to find said castle. It was awesome and massive, we didn't go in but seeing it across the river was good enough, it even had a moat!!!

We then said goodbye again and our bus headed off to the Museum of Country Life. Watched a bit of the short film then went for a wander round the exhibitions. Took two quizzes (obviously without reading anything first) and got 7/10 for the kitchen one and 3/10 for the farming one, the quiz actually said 'you'd make a poor farmer' :( I blame the seasons being all wrong over here lol

After a quick-ish stop for lunch we then had a photo stop at the only table top mountain in Ireland, then a photo stop at Creevykeel which is a old pagan tomb and now just a pile of stones. Then after a photo stop at Tullan Strand (these pics coming in seperate post) it was off to Northern Ireland and Derry where we are staying for the next two nights. 

JB and Missie in two places at once

Cool house in Cong

Castle in Cong (it doesn't actually all fit in a picture)

Random statue on the Musuem grounds

At Creevykeel 

Table top mountain - not sure of it's name

Couple pics of Derry at night 

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