Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ireland Tour Day Five

PToday we left Cork and headed up to the Cliffs of Moher where we got just over an hour and a half to explore and take photos. I could easily have stayed up there longer and walked further in each direction and just taken in the views but what we got was still real good. After this we travelled along The Atlantic Way, stopping at the Burren for some super cool photos :) after this we stopped at Corcomroe Abbey for a quick photo stop then it was on to Galway where we are staying tonight.  It was a lot of traveling today with some very nice scenery and a couple of naps lol. 

Tomorrow we seperate from the 6 day tour people so it's bye to Eli :( but I'll be catching up with her again during our travels so it's only a see you soon not a goodbye :) we are also picking up two new people for the rest of the tour, can't wait to meet them and hopefully they are as awesome as the rest of us hehe :)

Cliffs of Moher


Corcomroe Abbey

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