Thursday, October 27, 2016


arrived in Galway on Monday afternoon and Eli and I have basically spent the last couple days just chilling and exploring. Monday night I went out for dinner then met up with Eli and we went back to The Spanish Arch cos our fav Irish band was playing, they are still awesome :) 

Tuesday morning we went to the museum and had a wander around there, then went to a nice lil cafe beside it for tea, we got so many cups from the pot that it seemed like an endless pot of tea hehe. We did a lil bit of shopping and had lunch then it was back to the hostel for a nap. We left again for a wander and some more shop browsing then back to the hostel for dinner, they had €2 chilli con carne which was very tasty, then us and some others from the hostel headed back into to main pub area for some live music. We ended up back at The Spanish Arch and although the band was different the music was still very very good, def my fav Irish pub so far. 

Today we went to a lil place by the river for a juice (we are reminding our bodies we love them, that and I have a rather bad cough I am trying to shake lol), and then after a cup of tea at a very cute tea cafe we did the Galway Tourist Train. John the driver was super awesome and let us ride in the cab with him, totally awesome fun :) after this we had lunch at a nice lil cafe and then shopped a lil more. Non of this shopping has resulted in many if any purchases but it's still been fun. After chilling at the hostel for a while we headed out for dinner and then were going to go to a storytelling and improv event but after seeing some of the people walking in we decided it probably wasn't for us so we went and had a couple half pints, one at a pub Eli's friend recommended as the best pub in Galway (I still prefer The Spanish Arms lol) and one at the oldest pub in Galway. 

Tomorrow I am off to Belfast for a few days, then on Sunday I am heading back to Dublin for a couple days before I leave Ireland and head to Wales. 

Gorgeous view I got on way to Galway 

Chilling with the street art

Galway museum
This statue was decapitated before it went to the museum

Random boat in museum

Driving the submarine in the science area hehe

Pretty houses by the river
By the river

Galway Tourist Train

My version of Guinness (aka water lol)

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