Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Irish Rock 'n' Roll Museum Experience

This morning I went to the Irish Rock 'n' Roll Museum Experience in Dublin. From the moment I arrived I knew it was gonna be awesome cos Mark (the dude behind the desk) started chatting to Missie and asking her where she had been and how she was liking Ireland. He then gave her a VIP pass and snuck her in without her having to pay the entry fee :) She totally loved all the attention. 

Then Adam came out and he was our tour guide. The tour lasted for around an hour and we went through many different areas including rehearsal rooms, back stage, green room and recording studio. We learnt all about different bands and artists that had recorded albums there and about the history of Irish rock and pop music. It was very interesting and very very cool. We saw the U2 room, Michael Jackson had a wall of memorabilia and we even saw some of the bands riders aka demands. I even learnt how to play some Queen on the drums :) cheers Adam for the quick lesson hehe

If anyone is in Dublin I would totally recommend going to this museum, so worth it :)


Proudly holding her VIP pass

So many albums have been recorded here, this is only a small sample 

Tour jacket from the Jackson's Victory Tour in 1984

Missie playing the drums 

Me rocking some Queen rather badly lol

Backstage time
Just a couple of the riders, U2 cos I liked it and Slayer cos theirs is a lil nuts 

The Green Room

Sex Pistols display in the recording studio area

These guys are an upcoming band that Adam says are ones to look out for

The massive and mega heavy mixing desk

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