Saturday, October 15, 2016

Goodbye Scotland, hello Ireland

So I left Scotland today :'( and once again my flight was delayed, and I was picked for a random drug swab test thing, so don't think those are random unless I really do have the whichever luck it is required to get picked most times for one (not sure if it's good or bad luck... And yes I'm aware it's prob my tats that get me picked but still so wrong to judge someone based on something like that!)

Once we finally arrived in Dublin I had to sweet talk our way through immigration, kinda forgot it's a diff country and as we don't have flight booked out I had to promise promise promise to leave within 90days, got a stamp in passport to remind me lol. We then found a bus to take us into town and our accomodation. We are staying at Egali Hostel tonight, seems like a pretty cool place, big rooms but they are having a beer pong competition tonight which should be a good laugh lol and they also let us check in 30mins early which was real nice. 

After checking in we ditched the big bags and went for a wander, found where the tour is leaving moro so we don't gotta stress in the morning, then just wandered around a bit. Found some souvenirs we wanna get but we are gonna wait in case see something better on our travels, and if not when we are back we will get them :) didn't really take any pics as figure can do that another day but we did happened upon the National Leprechaun Museum so went in there, and took a couple pics. It cost and I'm not sure it was worth what they charged but it was still worth paying for, we got taken around and explored different rooms, got told stories and a bit of Irish history along the way. After the leprechaun museum we found somewhere (a nice pub) for dinner and now are back at hostel just chilling on the bed. Later on will go down and check out the lounge (and beer pong) I think. Tomorrow our tour starts and we can't wait :)

Waiting at the airport, big pack is only 18.7kg, I was stoked at that (allowed 20 only as not international flight)

Chilling on the giants chair 

Missie found the leprechaun's pot of gold, she didn't take any though just admired it

Found a friend as we were leaving the museum

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