Friday, October 14, 2016


So I spent the last couple of days just chilling in Inverness, not really doing much but taking in the sights.  Went for a wander up the river (or down it not really sure as didn't pay attention to which way it was flowing lol) yesterday morning then wandered round town then walked out to the cinema (around about 2.5 miles) to go see The Magnificent Seven, it was very good by the way, then I wandered home again and just chilled in the evening.  Today I went to the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and then wandered round parts of Inverness I hadn't been to yet and then looked for gluten free haggis, seems you can't get it in a restaurant here so boo to that, my last dinner in Scotland aint gonna be haggis :(

Soon I am off to the theatre for a show and then up bright and early (too bright and early if you ask me) tomorrow morning to head to Dublin.  Flight aint that early but to get to the airport I either have to walk into town with all my gear to catch a bus or I have to take a taxi, since I'm stingy walking it is gonna be.

Anyhow here are some pics from my last couple days...

One of the bridges with the castle in the background

Saw heaps of dudes fishing

We is just chilling

Sorry dudes, its dudettes only lol

And here is Inverness (view from the castle)

Lovely reflection in the river this morning

Inverness Museum with its awesome interactive bits, we built a vase...

...tried on the Achavrail Armlet, not sure who it was meant for but it was massive on us...

...did some art like the P something or other people...

...attempted to become a highlander but turns out we not so good at it, even when there were instructions...

...was meant to look like that, no clue how though lol.

Just a cool pic really

Missie made more friends outside the information centre

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