Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Last day in Aviemore

On Saturday morning we went on the Strathspey Railway, it’s a steam train that goes from Aviemore to Boat of Garten then Broomhill then back to Aviemore again, all up it was just under 2 hours though you do have the option to get off at both Boat of Garten and Broomhill and you can take a later train back so you can go explore if you like.  We chose wisely not too and just chilled on the train J The views of the Cairngorms were pretty wicked and it was a steam train so that made up super happy.  We have decided that we are going to be steam train drivers when we grow up hehe.  I did pretend Grandma was with me as I know she would have enjoyed it.  I looked for a postcard to send her but there were none of the Strathspey Streamtrain which was disappointing.

As our bus out of Aviemore was not until mid afternoon we decided to treat ourselves to lunch at Mambos.  After much discussion (between me and Missie, not just myself, that would make me crazy, silly people who thought I meant this :p lol) I have decided that the rating system for gluten free meals while I’m traveling is going to be a simple thumbs up or thumbs down, no comparing it to something else or giving it a number out of a max number of something, just thumbs up or thumbs down.  At Mambos we had a cheeseburger and a cider and it gets a thumbs up.  It was a very relaxed chilled place that we did not feel like we had to move from once we had eaten and we read for a while and chatted to the waitresses which was nice.

After lunch we went back to the hostel and picked up the rest of gear and headed off to catch our bus, the first part of the trip was from Aviemore to Inverness, then we had a 50min wait in Inverness for our bus to Broadford in the Isle of Skye.  The bus to Inverness was pretty standard, nothing special scenery wise or anything.  After a chill at the Inverness bus station we got on the bus to Portree (biggest town in Isle of Skye).  As soon as we got out of Inverness the scenery began to become way more awesome as we were driving around Loch Ness, the scenery only improved and there were so many places I wished we could stop to take photos, instead we had to make do with what we could get on the bus so there is sadly window glare on most of the photos (well I think there is, haven’t had a proper look at them yet).  The sun set while we were traveling to Broadford but that was ok cos I will get the scenery again going back to Inverness on Monday.  

When I got off in Broadford so did three other girls and I’m glad that there were so many of us as it turned out that the hostel we were all staying at was 800 yards down a unlit narrow road.  We were all glad we had someone else with us while we were walking down the road.  It also turned out that one of the girls (Veronica, she’s from Ecuador but lives in Belgium at the moment) was doing the same bus tour as me the next day which was cool.  It turned out that the hostel had no cell service and the wi-fi not only cost but was sketchy and kept dropping off so that is why this and the next post are not being posted in the evenings of their respectable days.

At the station

Our ride for the morning :)

Just chilling out and enjoying the views

Couple of pics from our trip to Isle of Skye, many did not turn out or did not look as good as what they did in real life so have not included them

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