Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A well deserved chilled out day

Today I travelled from Broadford to Inverness, after being woken by idiots who do not understand that if you are leaving a hostel early in the morning it is common curtesy to pack your bag the night before so you can make as little noise as possible for the other people who are still sleeping in your bunk room.  I packed mine the night before thinking that getting up at 8am might wake some people but I was stupid, the other three in my room were all up at various stages before 7.30am (one at about 6.30am) and they were all fully packing their bags as had done nothing the night before.  Wish hotels were not so expensive as I am not a fan of bunking with other inconsiderate people.

The bus ride was long and uneventful.  I did see the scenery by daylight and most of it reminded me of driving from mine to bros cept Inverness is not Vegas and bro wasn't there to greet me when my bus arrived (pretty rude I thought).  When I got to the bus station I looked up where I was staying (short walk from town was the description on the internet when I booked it) and saw that I had a 1.4 mile (2.3 km for us normal people) walk ahead of me, pondered busing but couldn't be arsed figuring that out as I was tired.  Turns out walking that far with a big as heavy pack on your back and a lil but still heavy (damn old school laptop) pack on your front does not help with the tired as it is actually quite tiring work.  I made it though and didn't have to stop and take the packs of at all, just stopped and had a couple breathers.  Missie was absolutely no help whatsoever and just kept asking if we were there yet.

After having a sit down at where we are staying (which by the way was worth the walk as I am staying in a 'chalet', pretty much just a cool cabin at the back of someones driveway but its all mine and I don't have to share and have a kitchen if I want to cook stuff (but it turns out no jug to boil water and the only pots are steamers so no cup of tea for me)), we then went for a wander into town just to see what was there.  We decided pretty fast that we like Inverness and this feeling only increased when I happened upon Eds Easy Diner where they do gluten free hotdogs in proper hotdog buns and bottomless cups of tea :) so happy happy Jilly.  Oh and Eds get a bazillion thumbs up from us :) :) :) hehe

Our original plan was to use the third day on our 3 day saver bus ticket on Wednesday to bus somewhere from Inverness for the day but we have decided that we want two days to explore Inverness not just one :) we have also booked ourselves tickets to the theatre on Thursday evening, we are going to see Ross Ainslie & Jarlath Henderson who are some musical act, not sure what we are actually going to see but it looked more interesting that just going to see any old movie and we get to dress up for it, well as dressed up as two travellers can get :)

Some pics from my walk into town

Nessie we are aware that they misspelt your name but still pretty cool huh :)

 This is the theatre that we are going to see a show at on Thursday

My incredibly awesomely amazing dinner

1 comment:

Jilly said...

Got me jug :) when I saw the owner dude I commented that there was no jug and he said he had meant to bring one down as the last one had got broken so now I can have tea :) yay hehe