Sunday, October 30, 2016


Yesterday and today have both pretty much been me wandering round Belfast really slowly with lots of stops for tea or coffee along the way, the stopping for the drinks was purely so I could sit down and rest for ages not cos I really wanted tea or coffee. Oh and lots of coughing my lungs out and have gone through heaps of tissues, too much info you say, well tough!! Lol. 

Really do like Belfast and wish I was feeling better than I am so I could enjoy it properly but I did find a coffee shop (California Coffee) that I loved and went to a couple times, chilled there for almost 2hrs today and had the best ever carrot cake :)

Took Missie to the movies yesterday, we saw Trolls and really liked it. We got a frozen raspberry drink but they got the colour so wrong it was super weird, tasted of raspberry but looked like woulda been bubblegum.

Tomorrow I am heading back to Dublin for a couple nights, nothing much will be happening there either I would imagine, more resting with a lil bit of exploring thrown in. Am glad have done the two things I really wanted to do there already though, means won't be sad if don't get round to anything else lol. 

Random pics from our exploring (places I know what they are are noted below pics else I just liked, also they are not in order taken as it doesn't really matter and this note is more for me when I look back at this and wonder lol)

City Hall - daytime 

City Hall -nighttime


Our frozen raspberry drink

Titanic memorial at City Hall

Just randomly outside a pub

St Anne's Cathedral

Like the old and new contrast

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