Thursday, November 17, 2016

We love Brighton

Brighton is so so so incredible, can't really describe it but we love it!!! It has even bumped York from the top of fav English town/city list. There is just something about it, wish I was staying here longer but sadly tomorrow we are leaving for London :( but don't worry Brighton we will be back and will be bringing friends with us next time :) 

We also found more snowdogs :D turns out there are Brighton ones as well as Newcastle ones :) we have found 24 of the 44 big ones that are spread around Brighton and Hove, and today when we went to the library we found 5 teenage ones :) and yes we did a happy dance when we found the first one hehe. 

We have enjoyed wandering the pier and the seafront as well as the laines and the main town centre. The only issue with the pier was that the rides were open but required two people minimum (or 4 or 8 depending on the ride) to make them go and Missie apparently don't count as a person :( we were as shocked as you by this news! The seafront was lovely though and we wandered for ages along it. 

We also saw the palace thing, and checked out the laines. I got a nice ring which rounds off the piece of jewelry from each country which I didn't aim for but has happened :) Ireland was from a proper jewelers but the other three from markets :) only reason the ring I got in Ireland wasn't from a market is cos it's a claddagh ring from Galway, figured that one should be done better than just cheap lol 

We had the most amazing lunch/dinner last night at las iGuanas, a Latin place. The food was so good, and the waiters were amazing and they had a seperate gluten free menu which I always like :) they get a thumbs up from us on our ratings thing :) 

Our fav three snowdogs 

The palace 

Cool market stall home things along seaside

Enjoying a beer while watching the sunset earlier tonight

1 comment:

Jilly said...

So the palace thing is actually called the Royal Pavillion :) just so you know