Tuesday, November 22, 2016

London day five

Today was all about Sandy, Missie and I realised last night that she hasn't seen much of the UK and is not really in any photos so we took her sightseeing :)

First off we wandered around Kensington Park for a bit and found the Italian Gardens, this was purely by accident lol. Then we wandered through some of Hyde Park. Next it was off the the random horse head statue and the Marble Arch where we had fun taking photos and didn't care that people were looking at us like I was a lil mad, that's old news lol.

Then we took Sandy on the subway as we headed to Kings Cross Station to see platform 9 3/4, which by the way so not as cool as we had imagined. First it ain't by platform 9 and 10 it's just on a wall, and second there was a massive line of tourists all getting the same pic as professional ppl do the photo taking. So us being proper us we snuck a pic of the trolley and the wall btwn tourists getting their pics taken and then we headed to The Parcel Yard (biggest station pub in UK, or so the sign said inside) which was above the fake platform 9 3/4 and we watched everyone have the exact same pic taken below us hehe.

When we got out of Kings Cross it was raining quite well so we decided to head back to the underground (we have a bit of money we can use on our card hehe), and we stared at the map for ages looking at the names of stops. We finally decided that Camden Town sounded like a place that it wouldn't be raining as bad so we went there. Turns out we were right, it wasn't raining as bad it was just drizzling which was still annoying :( but we wandered for a lil short while and then found the Worlds End which was nice and warm and dry, and as we were at the worlds end it only made sense to have a drink and say cheers to the world hehe. First impressions were a lil skeptical about this place but it was actually pretty cool, awesome music, good vibe etc :) nice place to chill for a bit :)

Then we headed to Charing Cross which turns out takes you to Trafalgar Square, after taking daylight pics around here we wandered in a diff direction to last time and found a cool archway, and also a cool old building (turns out it was Admiralty House), then wandered through St James's Park till we saw some other cool buildings and got distracted. Note by this stage Missie was insisting we were lost but we were just sightseeing. Saw Big Ben through some other buildings and headed that way and found ourselves on Westminister Bridge again :)

We are now just having one last pint in the UK before our long flight home :)

Ps photos are to come as I cannot get my phone to load them :(

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