Friday, November 18, 2016

London, day one

This morning we arrived in London and instead of being sane and catching a bus to accomodation we decided to walk, it was only 4km after all. Luckily our walk took us through Hyde Park and Kensington Park so was rather pretty. Again Missie didn't carry the smaller pack, pretty rude really I mean I don't expect her to carry the big one cos I'm the big person I get that but she just expects to be carried everywhere. Atlst she keeps me company and chats to me else we would have a real issue. 

After ditching the big bag (who it turns out is called Sandy), we went for a wander through Kensington Park and Hyde Park for an hour or so, briefly wandered through an art gallery we found in the park but wasn't our sort of art so didn't stay long. Didn't take many pics as most of it just looked like every other park we have been to, autumn leaves on trees and ground, grass, river or lake, fountain etc. 

We then just wandered and somehow found ourselves on Oxford Street so obviously had to call in to a few shops and have a browse :) we really liked the Disney shop cept not the fact that the clothes are mostly all for kids :( found the coolest t-shirt but it only went up to kid size 10, annoying as if it atlst went up to 14 I coulda fitted it. Missie made some more friends in the Disney store and we found a cool carriage, pic don't do it justice but that's what you get for asking a grandma to take a photo on an iPhone, she actually did a good job, first pic was blurry but she took another which was all good, just didn't get the whole carriage in :)

We then wandered back to the accomodation rather slowly and are completely knackered, it's only 5:30 but I'm pretty sure we could go to bed right now. Might have to rethink my public transport rules for London, but then again prob won't lol. 

As a random FYI, today marks six weeks since I left Edinburgh and started this round of travels, no wonder we are sick of living out of a pack and mine and Sandy's friendship is getting a lil strained. 

Kensington and Hyde Parks

Not a fan of dumb rules, why can't I enter without a kid?? Pretty sure it would look bad if I walked up to random kids and asked if they wanted to come play with me...

Disney Store - Oxford Street

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