Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Cardiff - day one

Ystdy Missie and I arrived in Cardiff and did not do much, we had a quick wander around the shops then had a late lunch/early dinner at an amazing French restaurant. The only reason we went in was cos they listed gf on the menu, unlike everywhere we had already checked. Not only was the food amazing but we did the dinner special which got us 3 courses for cheaper so all up plus a drink we paid just over £20, so stoked :) and am def going back if I can before I leave :)

Today we wandered round the city and did the free stuff, so no castle cos that costs. Might go back but it didn't look any more special than other castles and doubt it will beat Caernarfon Castle. The disappointment of the day was the museum and art gallery, so so boring, nothing interactive at all! We lasted 20mins before walking out. 

The surprise of the day was the Cardiff Story Museum which is a museum about Cardiif's history. We very nearly didn't even go in cos it sounded rather blah, glad we did though. It was nicely interactive and had loads of stuff in it, for a small space as well. We time travelled to find out about things like the castle and the main river. We then raced each other in a game to see who could get their goods delivered first. Missie lost, she chose the horse and I'm pretty sure she didn't realise how much problems you can get when trying to cart stuff by horse. Glenny came second, he got the boat. And I totally won, I had the steam train and it had pretty much no issues :) haha to Missie who kept throwing 3s and then having to go back three places cos the road was too steep for the horse, she also had a flooded road and a tired horse so didn't get very far. Glennys main issue was he kept not having enough money for the toll bridge, silly boy hehe. We then built a city, there were blocks you could fit together and decide what you wanted in your city, it wasn't till the end we worked out we had quite a few fire stations but no hospital, whoops. 

Missie also found some new friends along the castle wall where there is an animal wall, a couple of her fav friends are below :) there were heaps of animals though which was cool. 

City Hall

Cardiff Castle

Missie is stoked it has a moat

Couple of Missie's new friends 

Pretty trees in park beside Castle

Got lost and found this and just liked it

Cardiff library and some random something outside it

Couple churches I just liked

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