Saturday, November 5, 2016


Ystdy after wandering around Caernarfon for a while and having a pint at the smallest pub in Wales along with a good chat to the bartender (turns out he is from Aberystwyth and has been to NZ and loves traveling too, we swapped some notes and fav places we have been) I bused to Aberystwyth pronounced Ab-a-wrist-with or as the hostel owner in Caernarfon calls it Ab-a-wrist-watch lol. The bartender was absolutely correct when he said the bus ride was gonna be beautiful, it really was. We traveled through Snowdonia and it was gorgeous. Many times wished I had my own car so I coulda stopped and taken photos. Maybe when I come back I'll be able to. 

Aberystwyth is a very pretty town, and bigger than I expected. Ystdy arvo we braved the rain and went exploring, I walked up the hill the bus came in from as I knew the view was gonna be nice, Missie hid in my jacket pocket cos apparently she don't do rain. We then went for a wander along the seafront and even put our feet, well my feet, in the water. Not sure what ocean it is that is here but it's a freezing cold one!! We then wandered a bit further and found the old castle ruins. Sadly it was too cloudy for a sunset but dusk was still quite pretty. 

This morning we got up early (for us) and climbed the hill the Cliff Railway is on, it doesn't run during the week in winter but were told by the bartender mentioned above that the views at the top are spectacular, he didn't lie. They were so worth the walk, not that Missie would know she slept through the walk and just woke up at the top. Lazy lil thing hehe. 

We are now off to Cardigan for the night. It's also meant to be a very nice place (or so said nice bartender, he said I've picked good places for my stops in Wales :) woot woot go me lol).

Pics from Aberystwyth 

First hill walked up


Castle ruins

Cool random monument by castle/sea

Missie's friend, he's a doorstop 

At top of the Cliff Railway 

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