Thursday, November 3, 2016


After checking into the hostel in Caernarfon we went exploring. First we found a gorgeous lil chocolate and fudge shop where all the chocolate and fudge was gluten free and as Eoin told me I needed to try Welsh fudge I had to buy some (it's almost all gone, so not fair that someone is eating it cos it tastes really good), then we found the castle...

We fully expected to pay to go into the castle and were very surprised when we didn't have to, we also expected it to be a lil lame with just a wander around the grass area however we were super surprised that it was not lame at all!!! It was wicked awesome :D we climbed up loads of steps, walked along the walkways, climbed up to the top of turrets (including one of the highest four) and got lost quite a few times in the stairwells and hallways :) lol it is interesting to be lost in a dark concrete stairwell or dark hallway that only is lit from small windows :) we spent over an hour exploring and having a blast, the only reason we stopped was cos the castle was closing, dumb winter times :( we got to see the Poppies Weeping Window exhibition again which we saw when we were in Perth, still very pretty and this time got some cool pics with no people in them and some from up higher than just ground level :) totally one of the best afternoons ever :) :) :)

After the castle we went for a wander around Caernarfon and went down the the port area, found a signpost which we are not sure what it's for but got our pic with it anyhow :)

Caernarfon Castle
View from the King's room

At the top of one of the highest turrets

Missie being the guard 

Presbyterian Church

Down at the port 

1 comment:

Jilly said...

Oh and after speaking to the bartender (see next post) turns out it usually does cost a fair amount to get into Caernarfon Castle but as the poppy display is free they decided to make the whole castle free, we just happened to be visiting at the right time :)