Sunday, November 13, 2016


This afternoon we headed to Bristol for a few hours (it's only 11mins by train so not far at all). After getting to Bristol we wandered round for a bit, our standard way of seeing a new place, and of course Missie made some new friends. She really is good at it. We had a short stop for lunch and then kept wandering. We saw the dock area and a bunch of old churches and buildings and then wandered round the museum and art gallery for a while, for a not super interactive place we actually quite liked it :) 

We also saw Shrouds of the Somme display on our wanders, this is a display of 19,240 hand stitched shrouded figures representing the 19,240 men who died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme on July 1st 1916. The photo below does not fit all the figures in, there were so many :( 

We also checked out the Red Lodge Museum which is just an old house that is still an old house, basically lol. And we found the Christmas Steps, which sadly are just a bunch of steps nothing as amazing as we were hoping for. 

Overall we thought Bristol was so-so, not our fav place but not terrible either. Tomorrow we are off to Southampton for a night. 

Bristol pics

Bristol Cathedral 

Shrouds of the Somme

Red Lodge Museum

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