Thursday, November 3, 2016


This morning I took the scenic route bus (aka the non direct one) to Bangor as this was where I could catch a bus to Caernarfon. Since I was there I decided I was gonna explore, pack and all.  So glad I did, it's a lovely lil town. We found a cool park and walked up a bazillion steps, just to see what was at the top, was a university :) after a short cuppa tea break/sit down we wandered to the museum and art gallery. This was surprisingly good, the museum had some cool interactive sections including one where you could try on a bunch of hats then find them in the exhibits :) and the art gallery had an exhibition from an artist who had taken photos of other artists working in their studios which was pretty cool. 

We found Love Lane

The steps we walked up, they continue out of sight

The university 

The cathedral 

Collage of some of the hats

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