Friday, December 9, 2022

A surprise contestant in the HBGFF&CA

Our book group (the library one) went out for our Christmas dinner the other night and this is where the surprise contestant comes into the HBGFF&CA.  We went to The Loading Ramp which is a pub in Havelock North, and on their website is no menu and when you get there the menu doesn't list what is gluten free and what isn't so I had to go and ask, oh the effort I go to sometimes lol.  I was super tempted by the pizzas they had on offer, but then I thought hmmm prob won't be back here so why not get the gf fish and chips and add to the adventure, after all that is what it is all about really :)

So the gf fish and chips I got, and once again too much salad in my opinion.  Did I eat it all this time?  Ummm no cos Julie offered me a piece of her gf pizza pork belly pizza and pizza totally wins over salad every time :D hehe.  The fish was dry and meh, but the chips... oh wow the chips.  No idea what they did to them but Julie, Michelle and I all agreed they were next level and possibly magical.  So very delicious.  And there was a nice huge helping of them so def can't complain about that :)

Everyone agreed that the food was good and rather generous portions for us all.  There were a few doggy bags taken home, never a bad sign I don't think.  Though the service did leave something to be desired, Mya did have to go and tell them we were ready to order when they still hadn't come back and some of our drinks were almost gone.  We had also had to go and ask for a drinks menu as didn't get one at the table.  The lighting was rather dark, I think it was meant to be moody or atmospheric or something but it didn't really work for us.

Score time (remember all are out of 5, total out of 15):
Presentation and Service - 2 (sorry Loading Ramp)
Atmosphere and Drink Selection - 2 (sorry again)
Taste and Quantity - 4 (pretty purely on chips alone lol)
Total - 8

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The HB GF Fish & Chips Adventure continues

So in my last post I said it had been a busy couple weeks, and it was which is why this review is a little late in coming.  And please remember when you read it that the author is absolutely, totally, completely biased lol :)

The next place on my HB GF Fish & Chip Adventure was Jarks.  Mum, Bro and I went there last Saturday night for dinner and I thought why not get the Fish & Chips and continue my adventure with where I know will win (remember how I said the author is super biased.... well you were warned lol).  The surprise might come in that Jarks is not getting a perfect score though, I know I am as shocked as you are!!  And what did they do to deserve less than a perfect score I hear you ask, well it is only a small thing, and some people I am sure wouldn't mind (like dad for example) but for me it was a boo moment.  They gave me too much salad :O (ps that's a shocked face for those who don't know), it was like lots of lettuce and stuff, so they got some points deducted for that.  Ok so not many points, but hey who ever said this was a logical scoring system lol.  And yes I did eat all my salad, cos I'm a good girl.

Jarks' score (remember all are out of 5, total of 15) - 5 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection, 4.75 for taste and quantity.  Total of 14.75

Again no photos as this was part of my holiday... and I also couldn't be bothered, I just wanted to tuck in hehe.

There are things growing in my vege garden

It has been a busy last few weeks for me.  I had last week of wandered up to Auckland to go see The Killers (a rock band for those wondering) with some friends, well 1 friend and one of his friends who I think is now my friend so I think I can say with some friends hehe.  It was a brilliant concert, so energetic and entertaining, and just awesome.  Thanks to Eoin's weirdness of needing to be there early, far to early in mine and Reece's minds, we were only a few rows back from the stage so could see pretty much everything without the big screens.  So guess its thanks Eoin for that lol.

After the concert I stuck around Auckland for a few days, went to the museum (also very good I felt), caught up with most of my Auckland rellies (thanks for making the time for me guys <3 much appreciated.  ps that is a heart, the weird symbol thing, if you weren't sure lol).  Did some shopping as well, got me some more jewellery cos I couldn't resist.

And then I trained to Hamilton on the Auckland to Hamilton train.  Highly recommend this by the way, if you get the chance.  Did some chilling in Hamilton, met up with mum there and then my Hamilton rellies as well (thanks to you guys too for making the time to see me <3 ).  

Then I headed home and you might think I would take it easy as it was a pretty busy holiday, well you would be wrong.  I was planning on taking it easy but then the show I am helping with at Aubyn Live (the theatre just down the road from my place) decided to have rehearsal on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Then I had book group on Thursday (I may've fudged a little in what I thought of the book as the author is in my book group so I was slightly more positive than I really felt lol.  Didn't lie though, so I don't think its bad, I just mentioned the bits I liked and glossed over the bits I didn't haha).  And then on Friday the show opened, and we also had shows ystdy and today.  It is going quite well I think :) its called Bah Humbug and is A Christmas Carol but as a musical, kinda.  Well there are musical numbers in it.  Some very catchy songs which I have had going round my head my nights while trying to go to sleep lol.

For those that don't know, Bro moved to Hastings a few weeks back.  I think this is cool, obviously lol.  Anyhow I have given over my vege garden to him and now there are plants in it, for the first time in ages, like years ages.  I do hope they grow well, and I love the fact that I don't have to weed cos that is the responsibility of the gardener I believe hehe.

Oh and for those wondering where the photos are of my trip away, they are not taken in the first place.  I decided to have a holiday where I took no photos and just paid attn to where I was and what was going on and what I was seeing instead of going oh take a photo of that and that and that.  And I only broke my plan once and that was to take a photo of the Spitfire in the museum for dad :) not a bad reason to break it I don't think hehe.

Anyhow hope the above all makes sense, I don't feel like proof reading it this time so if it doesn't just ask and I can clarify.  No nitpicking over typos/autocorrects or grammar issues though (unless it makes it un-understandable) cos that's just mean and I know you aren't mean else we wouldn't be friends :)

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The HB GF Fish & Chip Adventure begins

This summer I have decided to find the best gluten free fish and chips in Hawke's Bay, well in Napier and Hastings but Hawke's Bay sounds better lol.  The scoring will be out of 15 and this is what it will be made up of: 5 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection and 5 for taste and quantity.

So that is a the boring part out of the way, well the semi boring part anyhow.  I am sure I won't get to everywhere that does gf fish and chips, mostly cos I am sure I don't know everywhere that does them lol.  But the main places will def be gone to I am sure.  And my favs of course, which means that Jarks will have to be tried and rated as well, oh how sad that will be lol.

And yes I am aware that my scoring is not likely to be consistent cos that is life, but oh well, it'll still be fun I believe.

Ystdy Jenny and I went to The Gin Trap for round number one.  I do like The Gin Trap, it has gorgeous views of the harbour and a nice atmosphere.  The only downside, I think anyhow, is that it is in Ahuriri, Napier so is a bit of a drive.  The first point to note is they have a 47 page Gin Bible, aka gin menu, and I don't know how you are meant to pick one sensibly, or even if you are meant to.  I normally just pick by randomness lol.  I had a Day Off something or other feijoa one which was beautiful, and Jenny had a strawberry one (or a raspberry one, a berry one anyhow).  Here's was also nice she said.

The fish and chips were amazing as well, for starters mine came battered, I know very surprising.  I normally end up with pan fried fish which is also yum I think.  Had forgotten how filling the batter can make them though.  And the chips were yummy, and so was the salad.  Not sure what dressing the salad had on it but it was good, and they came with aioli not tomato sauce which I appreciated as prefer aioli anyhow.  Jenny got the normal fish and chips so we could compare and said that they were also very good, for those non-gf ppl out there who were wondering :)

I have given the following ratings: 4 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection and 4.5 for taste and quantity.  So a total of 13.5.  Not a bad start to my adventure at all :)

Monday, September 26, 2022

A Before and an After

This was a joint project, with me and Doffy, that I actually remembered to take a before photo of before we started (purely cos Dof asked for one lol).  And thanks to that I can now do a before and after for you all :)

So Doffy was cool and he did the complicated part, the me going I want my bench seat to be a chair and a table can you make that happen?  And the answer was yes (like I suspected it would be if I asked hehe) and to me it wasn't all that complicated, prob cos I wasn't around for most of it lol.  Doffy might have another side to tell about how complicated/hard/frustrating it was to do... 

Once he had done his part I enjoyed sitting on it a few times, but then one day decided that it was a bit old and faded looking and the arms needed sanding anyhow cos the sun had made them dry and rough.  And if you are going to the effort of sanding you might as well then paint, cept I didn't want it painted cos that wouldn't be the look I wanted, then I found a tin of leftover stain in the shed and so that's what I used.  Used it all up in a couple coats on the chair so had to buy more, did I buy a logical amount... corse not, I bought a way bigger tin than I needed but then I wouldn't be me if I didn't over estimate when it comes to paint/stain lol.

Anyhow here is the finished product, it looks pretty cool I think <3 (ps that's a heart for those who don't speak old school emoji hehe). 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Just me, saying hi

So thought I would drop a line and say hi to you all :) it's been a while and although I think nothing much has been going on stuff has been so prob should fill you all in on some of it.

Most biggest news I guess would be that I have changed jobs.  I wasn't enjoying doing IT although I did like the team I was in, and EIT was a pretty fun place to work (minus the low pay), so when a vacancy came up in Jenny's team I decided to put my hat in the ring, and it turns out they liked me best out of all the applicants so I am now working at the DHB (Te Whata Ora Hawke's Bay if you want to be technical).  It is about a 20min walk from mine, 15 if I don't dawdle lol.  And as to what I am doing, I am a SMO Administrator.  SMO stands for Senior Medical Officer, aka surgeons, specialists and top doctors.  And I am basically a PA is the best way I can find to describe it.  Currently am still training but when I am finished enough I will have my own groups to look after, and I will be doing admin things like pays, reimbursements, leave, schedules, on call rosters, onboarding new ones and probably more for them.  When I get my groups I will have around 40 SMO's to look after.  So far I am really enjoying it and am enjoying the challenges the role is bringing.  And am def loving the fact that with Freddie staying parked in the carport I am saving money woot woot hehe.

In other news I aged again, am at an a number I really like now so am hoping that means it will be a real good year :) fingers crossed.  For my bday a couple friends (Jenny and Jeanette, we are the three JMs lol) took the afternoon off work (I took the whole day, and the day before lol) and we went out for lunch then to a winery.  Very good fun and lots of laughter and fun was had by us all, and yes we went to Jarks for lunch, not sure I know how to go anywhere else for a bday now lol.  Interestingly enough in my new office there is 10 years btwn me and Juliet, and 10 years btwn Juliet and Jenny (yes we are the triple Js lol) so in a few years time we are going to have a Naughties party hehe.  

I have rearranged my lounge again, not in itself news but the fact that everyone who has seen has said it is their fav layout of my lounge makes it news I think.  I now have two bookcases on the far wall from where they were (the third is in my bdrm and I love having books in my bdrm again, so glad its in there, can't believe it took so long to get it there), the table is where the bookcases were and the couch is back along the wall with all the photos.  It does make the lounge feel more open and light with the dark/wooden bookcases on the sunny wall instead of the dark wall.  And I like that when I sit at the table to sew or play on computer it is not hot and sunny and glarey anymore :) Not to say I have disliked the other layouts I have had but this one is surprisingly much better than expected, which is real nice.

I feel like I have been up to not much else so won't bore you with the boring stuff, but if you are wondering what they are then its just things like reading, talking to my bear, craft stuff, hanging with friends, procrastinating doing stuff, you know the usual stuff lol.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

On this date.... 4 years ago...

4 years ago today I moved into my little unit.  I know, I've been here for ages aye.... lol.  By far the longest I have lived somewhere since leaving home thats for sure (previous record was 2yrs 3mths).  

I found the photos that were taken when my unit was for sale so thought I would do some before and afters for you to enjoy.  Please note though that I forgot to take the after photos in the wknd (when it was lighter) so they lighting in them is pretty bad, took them before work when the sun wasn't quite awake lol.  Anyhow they are enough that you get the idea on what changes I have made, the lounge looks very much like it did lol, just with different stuff cluttering it up.  

Note: the before photo is the one on the left, and the after is the one on the right.

This one is just two afters, the laundry was so bad before there was no photo, and I like my little front area so took a photo of that for you guys :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Christmas/New Year break

So Christmas and New Years has been and gone, just another year now really.  I had just over 2 weeks off work which was real good.  At the start I thought that is not enough time to do everything I want to do, and by the end although I still wanted longer off I had managed to get a fair amount done so I was happy.

Jo came to stay for a week over Christmas which was awesome.  It was the last time we will be seeing each other for quite a while (or atlst we assume its going to be quite a while) as she returns to the UK at the end of January.  While she was here we went to quite a few wineries, Three Wise Birds (a cidery), shopping in Napier, the beach, hung at home and of course went to Jarks.  We also worked out one of my 2022 challenges which is to visit the wineries (or atlst the cellar doors) I haven’t yet been to over here.  Originally it was to visit them all but the tastings cost money and you would need to do more than one a week, and there are a few I don’t want to go back to so it is just the ones I haven’t done now.

After Jo’s visit Bro came and we welcomed 2022 by getting up to watch the sunrise in Napier, then we went to Mum and Dads where I stayed for a few days (so did bro).  It was a nice chilled out stay, and I am sure Bro enjoyed the jigsaw I took over for us to work on hehe.

After coming back home it was me time for the rest of my holidays, much needed me time in some ways.  I got inspired, somehow, and got back into doing some crafting stuff and ended up working on some entries for the WI art and craft competition coming up in April, as well as some stuff just for fun.  Not everything I started turned out how I wanted, some turned out better than expected, some had to be rethought, but that is crafting for you.  I am hoping to spend more time this year crafting, it is often the thing that takes the backseat when I get busy and/or tired but it makes me happy so I really should prioritise it more than I do.

So that was my Christmas/New Year break, and my 2022 goals/challenges.  Well there is one more, I am aiming to send more letters this year.  Mailboxes need love too and there is a postbox on campus so I don’t really have the excuse of its out of the way to post a letter.  So if you would like a letter and aren’t sure if I have your address just get in touch :)

I hope your 2022 has started off all good as well, and don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes especially when things seem tough, you are number one <3  it is something I need to remember to do so figure some of you might need the little reminder as well.

Also thanks to those of you who let me know how many EIT's were in my wordsearch a month or so ago, your prizes are in the mail.  If you haven't yet done it but still want to enter it is not too late, you still have time.  Just flick the answer off to me and your prize will be on the way to you :) 

Some coolness at one of the wineries


Watching the sunrise with the bears (and Bro, photo courtesy of him)

Glenny modeling the hat that fits him and not me, and a painting I did over the break which is happily hanging in the kitchen, which we all know is the biggest obstacle to reading.... hehe

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Books of 2021

Me again, did ya miss me in the last few minutes lol

Here are my book totals for 2021, figured why not do it again this year then it could almost start being something I do each year, maybe....

Total books read - 55
Total pages read - 19,124
Shortest book - 119 pages (A Room With A View by E. M. Forster)
Longest book - 596 pages (Eat Better Forever, thanks bro for the loan)
Most popular genre read - Fantasy (duh)
Second place genre - Chick Lit (expected as was studying at the start of the year and thats my default when studying)
Books bought but not read yet - not counted but it's back to fitting on one shelf in my bookcase which is the aim.  I blame the Lions Booksale and Wardini Books for having too many books to still be read.... lol

Books by genre

Books in order of read (each line is a month)

Some things I learnt last year...

Decorating a lemon tree is just an exercise in getting stabbed multiple times

Changing name by deed poll is basically just a scam, but I would still do it
Paying yourself to do chores makes them more fun
Busing to work is actually not too bad, and saves way more money than expected 
I like black olives, whoda thunked it lol
Peter Pan had the right idea, growing up comes with so many catches it’s prob best avoided (never ending dishes for one)
Even my bear thinks I’m amazing so it must be true hehe
Set building is super fun, esp when they let you loose on the big as table saw brrrrrmmm lol
Colouring btwn the lines is basically impossible when listening to Bruce Springsteen, and Dire Straits, and Steve Earle, and Cindi Lauper, and Eagles, and so many others 
So far, EIT looks real pretty any time of year 
Burning a Holden jacket is mega fun
Marshmallow with cheese on crackers is amazing (yes it is, don't just screw up your nose)

Christchurch has an amazing riverside market

Helicopters are fun things to ride in

Study is only fun when it’s a topic you chose to study 

Belonging to 3 book groups is fun till 2 decide to meet on the same night each month which is a pain and it makes you have to pick one

And I think I have already forgotten a fair chunk of last year..... (whoops)