Saturday, September 17, 2022

Just me, saying hi

So thought I would drop a line and say hi to you all :) it's been a while and although I think nothing much has been going on stuff has been so prob should fill you all in on some of it.

Most biggest news I guess would be that I have changed jobs.  I wasn't enjoying doing IT although I did like the team I was in, and EIT was a pretty fun place to work (minus the low pay), so when a vacancy came up in Jenny's team I decided to put my hat in the ring, and it turns out they liked me best out of all the applicants so I am now working at the DHB (Te Whata Ora Hawke's Bay if you want to be technical).  It is about a 20min walk from mine, 15 if I don't dawdle lol.  And as to what I am doing, I am a SMO Administrator.  SMO stands for Senior Medical Officer, aka surgeons, specialists and top doctors.  And I am basically a PA is the best way I can find to describe it.  Currently am still training but when I am finished enough I will have my own groups to look after, and I will be doing admin things like pays, reimbursements, leave, schedules, on call rosters, onboarding new ones and probably more for them.  When I get my groups I will have around 40 SMO's to look after.  So far I am really enjoying it and am enjoying the challenges the role is bringing.  And am def loving the fact that with Freddie staying parked in the carport I am saving money woot woot hehe.

In other news I aged again, am at an a number I really like now so am hoping that means it will be a real good year :) fingers crossed.  For my bday a couple friends (Jenny and Jeanette, we are the three JMs lol) took the afternoon off work (I took the whole day, and the day before lol) and we went out for lunch then to a winery.  Very good fun and lots of laughter and fun was had by us all, and yes we went to Jarks for lunch, not sure I know how to go anywhere else for a bday now lol.  Interestingly enough in my new office there is 10 years btwn me and Juliet, and 10 years btwn Juliet and Jenny (yes we are the triple Js lol) so in a few years time we are going to have a Naughties party hehe.  

I have rearranged my lounge again, not in itself news but the fact that everyone who has seen has said it is their fav layout of my lounge makes it news I think.  I now have two bookcases on the far wall from where they were (the third is in my bdrm and I love having books in my bdrm again, so glad its in there, can't believe it took so long to get it there), the table is where the bookcases were and the couch is back along the wall with all the photos.  It does make the lounge feel more open and light with the dark/wooden bookcases on the sunny wall instead of the dark wall.  And I like that when I sit at the table to sew or play on computer it is not hot and sunny and glarey anymore :) Not to say I have disliked the other layouts I have had but this one is surprisingly much better than expected, which is real nice.

I feel like I have been up to not much else so won't bore you with the boring stuff, but if you are wondering what they are then its just things like reading, talking to my bear, craft stuff, hanging with friends, procrastinating doing stuff, you know the usual stuff lol.

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