Monday, September 26, 2022

A Before and an After

This was a joint project, with me and Doffy, that I actually remembered to take a before photo of before we started (purely cos Dof asked for one lol).  And thanks to that I can now do a before and after for you all :)

So Doffy was cool and he did the complicated part, the me going I want my bench seat to be a chair and a table can you make that happen?  And the answer was yes (like I suspected it would be if I asked hehe) and to me it wasn't all that complicated, prob cos I wasn't around for most of it lol.  Doffy might have another side to tell about how complicated/hard/frustrating it was to do... 

Once he had done his part I enjoyed sitting on it a few times, but then one day decided that it was a bit old and faded looking and the arms needed sanding anyhow cos the sun had made them dry and rough.  And if you are going to the effort of sanding you might as well then paint, cept I didn't want it painted cos that wouldn't be the look I wanted, then I found a tin of leftover stain in the shed and so that's what I used.  Used it all up in a couple coats on the chair so had to buy more, did I buy a logical amount... corse not, I bought a way bigger tin than I needed but then I wouldn't be me if I didn't over estimate when it comes to paint/stain lol.

Anyhow here is the finished product, it looks pretty cool I think <3 (ps that's a heart for those who don't speak old school emoji hehe). 

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