Saturday, January 1, 2022

Some things I learnt last year...

Decorating a lemon tree is just an exercise in getting stabbed multiple times

Changing name by deed poll is basically just a scam, but I would still do it
Paying yourself to do chores makes them more fun
Busing to work is actually not too bad, and saves way more money than expected 
I like black olives, whoda thunked it lol
Peter Pan had the right idea, growing up comes with so many catches it’s prob best avoided (never ending dishes for one)
Even my bear thinks I’m amazing so it must be true hehe
Set building is super fun, esp when they let you loose on the big as table saw brrrrrmmm lol
Colouring btwn the lines is basically impossible when listening to Bruce Springsteen, and Dire Straits, and Steve Earle, and Cindi Lauper, and Eagles, and so many others 
So far, EIT looks real pretty any time of year 
Burning a Holden jacket is mega fun
Marshmallow with cheese on crackers is amazing (yes it is, don't just screw up your nose)

Christchurch has an amazing riverside market

Helicopters are fun things to ride in

Study is only fun when it’s a topic you chose to study 

Belonging to 3 book groups is fun till 2 decide to meet on the same night each month which is a pain and it makes you have to pick one

And I think I have already forgotten a fair chunk of last year..... (whoops)

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