Saturday, January 1, 2022

Books of 2021

Me again, did ya miss me in the last few minutes lol

Here are my book totals for 2021, figured why not do it again this year then it could almost start being something I do each year, maybe....

Total books read - 55
Total pages read - 19,124
Shortest book - 119 pages (A Room With A View by E. M. Forster)
Longest book - 596 pages (Eat Better Forever, thanks bro for the loan)
Most popular genre read - Fantasy (duh)
Second place genre - Chick Lit (expected as was studying at the start of the year and thats my default when studying)
Books bought but not read yet - not counted but it's back to fitting on one shelf in my bookcase which is the aim.  I blame the Lions Booksale and Wardini Books for having too many books to still be read.... lol

Books by genre

Books in order of read (each line is a month)

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