Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Christmas/New Year break

So Christmas and New Years has been and gone, just another year now really.  I had just over 2 weeks off work which was real good.  At the start I thought that is not enough time to do everything I want to do, and by the end although I still wanted longer off I had managed to get a fair amount done so I was happy.

Jo came to stay for a week over Christmas which was awesome.  It was the last time we will be seeing each other for quite a while (or atlst we assume its going to be quite a while) as she returns to the UK at the end of January.  While she was here we went to quite a few wineries, Three Wise Birds (a cidery), shopping in Napier, the beach, hung at home and of course went to Jarks.  We also worked out one of my 2022 challenges which is to visit the wineries (or atlst the cellar doors) I haven’t yet been to over here.  Originally it was to visit them all but the tastings cost money and you would need to do more than one a week, and there are a few I don’t want to go back to so it is just the ones I haven’t done now.

After Jo’s visit Bro came and we welcomed 2022 by getting up to watch the sunrise in Napier, then we went to Mum and Dads where I stayed for a few days (so did bro).  It was a nice chilled out stay, and I am sure Bro enjoyed the jigsaw I took over for us to work on hehe.

After coming back home it was me time for the rest of my holidays, much needed me time in some ways.  I got inspired, somehow, and got back into doing some crafting stuff and ended up working on some entries for the WI art and craft competition coming up in April, as well as some stuff just for fun.  Not everything I started turned out how I wanted, some turned out better than expected, some had to be rethought, but that is crafting for you.  I am hoping to spend more time this year crafting, it is often the thing that takes the backseat when I get busy and/or tired but it makes me happy so I really should prioritise it more than I do.

So that was my Christmas/New Year break, and my 2022 goals/challenges.  Well there is one more, I am aiming to send more letters this year.  Mailboxes need love too and there is a postbox on campus so I don’t really have the excuse of its out of the way to post a letter.  So if you would like a letter and aren’t sure if I have your address just get in touch :)

I hope your 2022 has started off all good as well, and don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes especially when things seem tough, you are number one <3  it is something I need to remember to do so figure some of you might need the little reminder as well.

Also thanks to those of you who let me know how many EIT's were in my wordsearch a month or so ago, your prizes are in the mail.  If you haven't yet done it but still want to enter it is not too late, you still have time.  Just flick the answer off to me and your prize will be on the way to you :) 

Some coolness at one of the wineries


Watching the sunrise with the bears (and Bro, photo courtesy of him)

Glenny modeling the hat that fits him and not me, and a painting I did over the break which is happily hanging in the kitchen, which we all know is the biggest obstacle to reading.... hehe

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